Here's an interesting podcast I just listened to. They focus on peak oil, they predict the world oil peak to be in 2012, and they call for revolutionary change in how people and stuff are moved around. The point out that a huge percentage of oil/energy use is for freight transport and that most people thinking about changing transportation systems ignore freight transport. It's a very good podcast recording of the authors of the book Transport Revolutions giving a public lecture.
I'd done a bit of coverage of this book on my blog awhile back:-
I was thinking about this today... maybe now would be a good time to do something about who gets to use oil once it runs low. There are a lot of petroleum-based products we use. Truck drivers need to make long haul deliveries. Farmers need it to do their work. Mass transit like buses and trains need it. I'm sure there's a lot more.
The rest of us should switch over to other forms of fuels and/or transportation options in order to extend the usage time for other needed industries until we figure out the Big Plan.
My 2 pesos.
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