Recently I had an issue while going in reverse. As I was slowly backing out in reverse, I leaned my bike to far to the right. My natural reaction was to push on my right leg. I cant easily explain what happens next but when I push with my right leg while the bike is going reverse, my right arm causes the bike rotate the accelerator to go faster in reverse. I know this doesn't make sense, but I think it has something to do with the fact my right leg is pushing while the bike is going backwards. I was able to recover without incident, but I had this happen to me a couple of times. Has this kind of thing every happen to you?
I was thinking maybe the bike could slow down if it was in reverse and detected the bike was not upright enough.
I would think it would be natural to add decel twist the throttle when attempting to pull the bike upright from a right lean. I try to be extremely cautious when using reverse, as you just don't have as much control over the bike on uneven terrain when going backwards. I use little pulses instead of a steady twist, and keep the other hand on the brake lever.