Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel at speeds above 70km/h or at fast uphill driving

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AndY1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 04:29
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Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel at speeds above 70km/h or at fast uphill driving

I get some grinding vibrations from rear wheel at speeds above 70km/h or at fast uphill driving. Is this normal?
Anything below 70km/h on a flat terrain is silent drive, but above, when aerodynamic resistance becomes so big or when going 60km/h uphill, I sense some grinding vibrations coming from the rear wheel.
I do understand, that the gears have to work harder, I just want to make sure that I'm not the only one.

Is it normal?

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: Friday, August 22, 2008 - 01:40
Points: 207
Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel

I'm not getting anything like that (yet?) Andy, just the rattling from the drive when it's being pushed or it's rolling slowly without power, indeed, the faster it goes, the better it sounds.


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Re: Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel

Just a thought, but if you followed up on your last note, and tightened up the rear suspension and perhaps topped up the tire pressure as well, you may be transferring more street vibrations through the bike than most people get.

In the big-bike world, air pressure, suspension stiffness and seat foam density play HUGE rolls in felt vibrations at speed, not to mention pavement conditions.

AndY1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 04:29
Points: 1071
Re: Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel

It's definately not the pavement. And I have not changed the suspension settings either. Wotnopetrol described it good. It's some sort of rattling going on from the rear tire at higher loads (speed above 70km/h or incline driving), but I'm not hearing it, I'm feeling it.

I'll keep an eye about it.

eyeinthesky's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: Saturday, January 5, 2008 - 03:06
Points: 128
Re: Minor grinding vibrations from rear wheel

Sounds to me like throttle encoder is out of sync, and regen kicks in for a second, this happened to me at high speeds, climbing hills under full throttle. get the Tech to readjust it, there is a rotary magnetic encoder under the motor cover that gets adjusted in conjuction with a computer, or at the handlebar using the handbrakes and killswitch, the speedo is the indicator.

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