HI: my daughter has a schwinn electric scooter 500 watt. she loves this, but chain started coming off. After looking, i see that the two sprockets, small and large, do not line up on scooter. Evenif i get the chain back on sproekts, it will keep kicking it off since they are out of line. could use any help i can get. I recentley bought her another, direct drive, and is a 750 watt. Please call me or email mewith any help u may be able to give. I possibly could even email u pics of my problem. thanks, JIM
cell, text or call at 412-780-5998
email= lippyscollectables [at] juno.com
You have to adjust the wheel using the axle adjusters at the back of the scooter frame. They align the wheel left or right. Tighten one side to make the wheel turn that way.
Also, you might have to adjust the sprocket on the motor axle. I think they use a hex screw to anchor the sprocket to the axle. When you loosen it, then you can move the sprocket left or right.