Before launching his campaign, Obama was doing a podcast (which I used to listen to). This sounds exactly like the style of those podcasts which was simply him talking like this.
Senator Obama discusses the high price of gasoline and offers steps designed to lessen our dependence on foreign oil and bring down prices for good."By now, the only thing as predictable as rising gas prices are the short-term political solutions that come along with them. It seems like every year, as soon as headlines start announcing "Pain at the Pump" and Americans start emptying their wallets to fill up their tanks, politicians revert to their Rolodex of responses, from tax rebates and tax holidays to investigations into price gouging by oil companies."
And compare that 'speech' with Bush:
Bush speeches make me want to clean my ears with a Dremel.
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Good! I'm sick of reading headlines like yesterday's: Exxon reports record breaking profit. $15 billion at the end of the quarter, making a new record for any American company ever.
-DC-DC converter replaced with a Dell D220P-01 power supply.
-72V mod
-Expensive bank charger until I come up with something better... Still trying.
Nobody ever mentions the 15% the government makes on a gallon of gas..they just complain about the 5% that the oil companies make. What other product is taxed at a rate three times what the manufacturer profits?
Yeah, those poor oil companies. It brings a tear to my eye.
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.
What high gas prices? It's the price of oil that's high. Compare US prices around the world and you'll see that gas is relatively cheap. I say tax it more and reduce consumption, not make it more affordable and remove the incentive for alternative energies. But then I'm one of those socialist commie bastards. :D
Actually, both oil and gasoline are so cheap (for what they provide), it isn't funny. How much do you think a battery pack that weighed less than 100 lbs., took ~2 minutes to recharge, and could carry the average American gas guzzling behemoth for 300 or more miles per charge would sell for? I'm willing to bet it would cost a heckuva lot more than $2.399 x 12 each. <--That is the current local price for reg. unleaded times the size of the average midsize sedan's fuel tank. Oh, and gasoline weighs ~7 lbs./gallon.
Anywho, without oil, we have no gasoline, no diesel, no kerosene, no plastics, no long term lubrication of any type, etc. Oil would sell for $500-1,000/barrel if it were discovered today, I'm guessing. I've actually been a long time supporter of a $5/gallon national tax on gasoline and diesel. Tony Blair put a 5£ tax on all fuel in the UK about 15 years ago, and all of his detractors said "We won't be able to survive!!1!11" My guess is they would not want to trade economies with us ATM, and we have lower fuel taxes than every European nation. ;)
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