Perm-Motor PMG-132 12-72 VDC, what are its limits?

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Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: Monday, November 17, 2008 - 08:34
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Perm-Motor PMG-132 12-72 VDC, what are its limits?

as stated before, what are the limits of the Perm-Motor PMG-132 12-72 VDC?

it says it can handle 200A at 10 minutes?

how much can it take for about one-two minutes?

because the ODYSSEY PC680T SMALL DRY BATTERY claims to put out 525A for the first 20 seconds!

im building an electric drag motorcycle and want to know how much power i can drive into this motor before i see smoke/sparks.

im planning on running six 12volt ODYSSEY PC680T so it will have 72v pack that weighs 90lbs.

do remember i'm only doing a 1/4 mile drag strip and im interested in power, not range.

thanks guys

chas_stevenson's picture
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Re: Perm-Motor PMG-132 12-72 VDC, what are its limits?

Almost all DC electric motors can withstand 3 times their rating for the first 30 seconds when they are producing max torque. So I would say, with confidence, the choices you have made should work well together. The batteries you have chosen are about the best lead acid batteries for the job. I have a set of 3 for 36-volts I used on one of my bikes and they have great power output without too much voltage sag. If the motor can take 200 amps for 10 minutes I would not hesitate to dump 600 amps to it for a drag race. One thing I would do , find a way to tighten the springs holding the motor brushes. You will need to have slightly stronger springs so you do not burn the commutator on your first run. Also run the motor with no load for about an hour on lower voltage and amps to seat the brushes to the commutator. This will help transfer more voltage and current to the windings. Good luck and let us know what your quarter mile times are. Sounds like fun.

Grandpa Chas S.

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: Monday, November 17, 2008 - 08:34
Points: 18
Re: Perm-Motor PMG-132 12-72 VDC, what are its limits?

alright thanks a lot, i cant wait to start ordering parts now!

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