Roth Motorboard 1500x

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Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: Friday, December 26, 2008 - 22:37
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Roth Motorboard 1500x

I recently got one of these at a yard sale for 25.00 but it does not have a charger. Is there anything I could do to get this running again or should I just give up and throw it away. I can't find chargers anywhere.

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sunday, July 29, 2007 - 04:52
Points: 126
Re: Roth Motorboard 1500x

Have to tried Craigs list or if your willing to shell out 15-16 bucks plus shipping e-bay has got a good cheap selection. How many volts do you run and what size batteries?

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 13:34
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Re: Roth Motorboard 1500x

If it is the same unit as what I saw recently, his 1500x has a custom Cyclon SLA that's made from 8 x 2V Hawker cells. In other words, 16V. 8aH capacity. Hopefully the battery is still good, because they are expensive due to custom shape (not the typical cylindrical Hawkers.

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 09:10
Points: 63
Re: Roth Motorboard 1500x

The original batteries are probably cooked anyway. It shouldn't be too hard to slap together a NiCad or NiMH pack to fit that scooter. Whatever you do, don't throw it away. I'll pay you $25 plus reasonable shipping charges. :)

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: Monday, May 4, 2009 - 07:38
Points: 18
Re: Roth Motorboard 1500x

Hey All, I'm hoping someone here can help me out, I'm completely new to this, but found the group by doing a Google Search. I just purchased a Go Motorboard 2000X from Craig's List - mint condition, some wear on the tires and 2 batteries. It came with the original battery (which the guy said could still work) and what was supposed to be a brand new battery (never used). When I got home, I charged the "new" one about 8 hours + and got about 30 seconds worth of juice on it until I went from full battery to nothing. I am pretty sure that I charged it correctly. Just plug the battery in and connect the charger (I made sure that the scooter was off), right? I did this a few times throughout the past 2 days with both batteries, but get the same result on both.

Any suggestions? Ideas?

The guy who I bought it from seemed like a good guy and promised me that it worked. Is it possible that the "new battery" having never been used, never took to a charge and will never work? Is there a special way I have to charge these battery's, a sequence, or something that I'm missing.

What is my best bet in fixing this. Your suggestions above are something that I just am not capable of understanding, it all sounds a bit foreign to me (kudos to you guys). I read about upgrades to batteries (more power, longer life etc). Am i just too nice of a guy and took someone's word on it working.

I have had a hard time getting people who know about this stuff and or reaching Roth themselves.

Any help would be appreciated and helpful.

Thank you!

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