lifepo4 cells

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kevin smith
kevin smith's picture
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lifepo4 cells

why when i see these lifepo4 cells for sale new they looke quite crude and are usally coverd it silver gaffer tape i/e duck tape and the wiring looks like my son cheap Chinese scooter forget wht its called but it has pedels on and its 300 watts but give it dues it hasent let him down and its nearly payed for its self in aprox a month time are thers batterys any good you see them on ebay why o why are these so expensive aprox £300 for a 48v 40ah seems expensive ??

reikiman's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 17:52
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Re: lifepo4 cells

I have some of those packs but don't take the duct tape packs as representative of LiFePO4. Take a look at headway, YESA, Thundersky, LifeBATT none of which are built with duct tape.

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