Zapino Headlight problem

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Zapino Headlight problem

Hi all,

I'm new to this website and am looking for help with a problem with my Zapino.

When I turn on the dim switch for the lights it works fine, ie lights on dash come on, etc.
However, when I turn the switch to full lights no headlights come on and the dashboard light turns off also.

I have replaced the DC-DC converter and this has not solved the problem.

Does anybody have similar experience and know how to fix the problem?



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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

Sounds like a bad switch or wiring problem.

Grandpa Chas S.

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

The right Handlebar switch is 3 position.
1) OFF
2) Dash & running lights
3) Headlight, Dash & running lights.
Left handlebar switch = Low/High Beam.
I recently replaced a customer headlight bulb due to burned out low beam. Turn the headlight on and switch the Low/High switch to high to see if the High beam works.
FYI, if the DC DC converter was bad (as I found on another customer Zapino) you would not have any lights or
turn signals.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 08:29
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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

Thanks for the information.

It is not a DC DC converter problem as you correctly pointed out Robert as I already replaced this with no success.
I also replaced the right hand switch which also proved unsuccessful.
I then replaced the bulb and still no joy.

What I can't understand is why the dash lights go out when the headlight, dash & running lights are turned on.

I cannot think of what else could be the problem :?

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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

I just checked the wiring diagram in the Owner's manual and as usual, am more confused by it.
The manual says:
The dashboard lights, headlight, and taillight will turn on
when the switch is in the middle position.

The dashboard lights, headlight, and taillight will turn on
when the switch is in the left position.

That is not the way mine works. Headlight should only come on in the left position.
Does the headlight come on or glow even briefly? That might indicate that there is not
enough current to light all the bulbs. When I was troubleshooting a defective DC/DC
converter, the only thing that worked was the horn would give a weak bleep. I measured
12vdc in the wiring so at first I was thinking it was something else. Then I wired in
a spare battery and everything worked. I know you replaced the DC/DC. The other possibility
is the Low/High Switch. However this does not explain why dash/running lights go out,
unless it goes back to the extra load dropping the available current.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

The headlight will come on when I push in the low beam switch and hold it in. It would appear to be a switch problem but I also replaced that leaving me with stripping the wiring down which I only want to do as a last resort.

Thanks again for your help Robert

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

I had the same problem. There is a short in the wires. On mine, I wiggled the wires on the right handlebar (after getting inside inder the speedometer) and the lights came back on. I then wrapped the wires tight. good luck. I can't wait until Honda comes out with their electric motorcycle. These Chinese scooters are crap!

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Re: Zapino Headlight problem

I'm having a similar problem. I realize this is an old thread, but I'm hoping I can get some help with my current problem. Same symptons, brights and brakes work and dash works with brights, but head and tail lights and dash don't work when I use the regular lights on position on the switch. I have someone looking at it, they took it apart and said they worked, but stopped working when they reassembled it. Any thoughts?
thanks, zapmat

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