Hi everybody, I'm getting ready to upgrade V to Drupal 6. This will make V more stable, easier to manage, fix a few bugs, and over time additional features. The earlier migration of V to a new server a couple weeks ago was a preparatory step to this upgrade.
I've set up a test site with V already upgraded to Drupal 6. I'd like y'all to take a look at it: voltageforums.net ... It looks good to me but maybe I missed something. I did that site as a dry run of upgrading V to Drupal 6, and that site will disappear as soon as V is upgraded for real. Y'all can log into that V using the user & password you have on this V. Of course anything you post there it will disappear as soon as I take that site down.
I'm planning to do the upgrade tonight (Feb 22) unless I hear of problems from anybody.
This means there will be 3 hours or so of downtime tonight ...
Uh, I may have spoken a bit too soon. Just noticed that image upload methods aren't equal to the existing V. The upgrade will be delayed until image upload is resolved. I'll keep this updated as I go. Please if anybody notices an issue please post a comment on this thread.
UPDATE: I enabled the IMCE module (the preferred image uploader for V) and it works fine. There are other newer image upload methods the Drupal community has developed and I might also turn on one of those in the future. There is one turned on right now which is less than pleasant. In any case this issue is resolved.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
Just checked out the new look and I only have one item that I am not thrilled with even though it is just preference and really does not matter. I don't like the border around the page it just decreases usable space for the site.
One suggestion I would give is to use shades of green since this site talks about being green through alternative transportation.
Grandpa Chas S.
The upgrade to Drupal 6 is on hold. I want to go over the site more carefully. Please help and report anything you see here.
Green, eh? Not purple? Green? Hmm... Seriously the color scheme on the new theme is meant to be close to what we're accustomed to, so that the change might not be as jarring. But hey change is good, right?
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
I just figured if we are doing a change and announcing it to everyone then it should be OK to do a color change at the same time. I was thinking about a new graphic for the front page that says something about going green with V is for Voltage...
Chas S.
P.S. Did you get my message about the menu problems?
Hi David,
Looks good - I like the new font - not sure we need a border around the edge though. Can't say I much mind either way.
A couple of things:
1) there are no signatures showing. Is that a new direction for the board? I hope not ;)
2) I like having Active Forum Topics top right underneath the search function - it seems to have moved down the list some.
Many thanks - and keep up the good work! :)
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.