Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New York City to Wash. DC on $2 worth of electricity?

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reikiman's picture
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Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New York City to Wash. DC on $2 worth of electricity?

I saw a tweet (twitter) from an EV maker claiming to be able to drive an EV from NYC to DC on $2 worth of electricity. Interesting thought, and maybe it's possible but doesn't seem likely. They'd have to be more efficient than a Tesla Roadster.

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

Hmmm, Google maps says it's a 227 mile journey. $2 would buy you about 16.6kWh at 12 cents per kWh.

A REV-1 with a 4.6kWh pack can do about 80 miles at a constant 30mph. 227/80 = 2.8375 charges or a pack which is 2.8375 * 4.6 = 13.0525kWh

So, I say it's doable at slow speed. Can't say I fancy riding at 30 mph for seven and a half hours though. If you did it on a REV-1 you'd need to add another 8 hours (two 4 hour charging stops). So, you could leave NYC at 5 am and be in Washington by 10pm. :-)

If anyone wants to do this I'll provide the bike free of charge (seriously!)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

8) Do I get to keep the REV-1 if I do it ?? :? ;) :) LaTeR

thank GOD I wake up above ground !!!!

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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

I doubt a typical car conversion, or even a good EV, like a RAV4 could do it. But if the question is can an EV go that far on 2 bucks of energy, the answer is emphaticly yes! My commuter bike goes 22 miles on 10 cents of power at my meter. .8 khw. So 440 miles is theoretically possible. My range figure includes both up and downhill, but no allowance for head or tailwind, so real world range on two bucks is still at least 340 miles. Traveling at 22 mph, better not be in a hurry.

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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

Absolutely! If Justin can ebike across Canada on less than $9 in electricity... :)

reikiman's picture
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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

Thank you John, that's the kind of idea I was thinking about. For various EV's what would it take to do the trip, how much electricity, etc. I agree that distance @ 30 miles/hr doesn't sound appealing, nor does it sound appealing on my bicycle. Actually taking my bicycle on the train sounds more appealing than driving anyway.

What would it take on a Vectrix? Vectrix is interesting for this because it can go on the highway.

Mik's picture
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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

Thank you John, that's the kind of idea I was thinking about. For various EV's what would it take to do the trip, how much electricity, etc. I agree that distance @ 30 miles/hr doesn't sound appealing, nor does it sound appealing on my bicycle. Actually taking my bicycle on the train sounds more appealing than driving anyway.

What would it take on a Vectrix? Vectrix is interesting for this because it can go on the highway.

Well, I've never tested the range at continuous 100km/h speed, but lets say it would be about 25km.
For the 365km trip that means 365/25 = 15 full recharges.
Each full recharge will take about 4.5 hrs and 5kWh energy.
15 * 5kWh = 75kWh , which would cost about US$7.50 (at US$0.10/kWh)
The trip would take 15 * 4.5h = 67.5hrs for recharging alone!
And 3.65h riding time. Total time: 71.15h .

If you crawl along at 40km/h, and if there is a very flat and windless route from NYC to Washington, you might cover 80km with each full charge.
365/80= 4.56 recharges --> 22.81kWh --> US$2.28 cost and about 20hrs for charging and 9.1h driving time.
Total time: 29hrs

It is much faster to go slow!

The ideal would be a train with EV recharging carriage. Ride it to the station, and off the train fully charged 4 hrs later!

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

Some places in the USA pay only 5 cents, others 25 cents per kWh. Using 40 kWh, it is relatively easy, the Aptera 2e will do it (with two charges on the way). Driving only 55, it might even make the trip with only one charge on the way.

However, with only 8 kWh one would need to get about 28 miles (?) per kWh, and most EVs will not do that (at least not with me on board).

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

jdh2550_1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Re: Is it possible to drive an electric vehicle from New ...

8) Do I get to keep the REV-1 if I do it ?? :? ;) :) LaTeR


Sorry - we're not THAT generous! ;-)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

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