I'm trying to find 12V wire to tap into that is switched by the ignition. That is, when the key is turned to the ON position the wire has 12V. And when the key is OFF the wire has 0V. My hope is that there is one under the seat.
I don't think any of the wires going to the taillight/brakelight/turnsignals fit the bill. But I see other wire harnesses accessible under the seat. Maybe one of them has what I want?
Here's two pictures of them (I see 3 harnesses here) taken from the rear of the EVD. Second picture is a close-up. Is there a wire in this group that I can use for 12V?
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evd_wire1.jpg | 23.33 KB |
evd_wire2.jpg | 34.03 KB |
Here are the pics. They didn't make it into the original post for some reason.
if you still need this, try the one to a horn button. When the ig is on they get 12 volts and when its off 0