It appears that since the recent software upgrade on V the "quote" function is different from before.
Whenever there is an empty line in the quote, the text below it appears out of the quotation, as if written by the author who is quoting.
Often that is not too hard to see through, but it has also affected all the old posts; and those that had multiple quotes included in the text are now a mess, some very hard to comprehend, because quotes and answers are mixed up badly.
This is what the above post looks like when it is quoted! Of course I cannot replicate it now, bugger!
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This time I quoted the reply to the original post, and it seems this shows the error I am talking about. The sentences: "This is what the above post looks like when it is quoted! Of course I cannot replicate it now, bugger! " should have been in a quote field.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
The "quote" button uses the BBCODE style quote function (which doesn't work) and the quote button above uses <blockquote> which does work.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
It's an already known issue:
- David Herron,
Ah, I seem to have fixed it.
- David Herron,
You have, indeed! Thank you very much!
I also checked one of the more complex old threads, it makes sense again.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!