Would it be helpful to have a "circuit breaker" that would activate in case of a thermal runaway? If so, what temperature should it shut down the charge process at? I'm thinking of having a temperature sensor between the pack batteries, rather than just reading air temperature.
Another thought is to have a variable shunt that would limit the voltage seen by the batteries by temperature. If a "Standard" multi-stage charger takes batteries to 14.6 as full charge, the shunt would bypass the following amount of voltage:
degrees F Degrees C bypassed from Charger's Output Voltage
160° 71.1° -1.344
150° 65.6° -1.176
140° 60.0° -1.008
130° 54.4° -.840
120° 48.9° -.672
110° 43.3° -.504
100° 37.8° -.336
90° 32.2° -.168
80° 26.7° 0