Controler Mod on Veloteq

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Controler Mod on Veloteq

Ok I finally took the big step and did my own controller mod here are the pics form the deed it was actually pretty easy. As I have not seen anybody do a Veloteq yet. Ok the first pic is the controller
the second pic is the shunt I made
third is the controller before mod
forth is the extra shunt added

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

Nice torque mod, see you in the message bases.

Ken Finch

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

Well yesterday I removed my shunt mod. Wow you can really feel the loss of torque, range has been increased by a long shot, but my Condor just crawls up to speed compared to how it was with the shunt mod.

Now I know I cannot have the same torque and the increased range at the same time. But here is what I am going to figure out and implement soon. A switchable torque mod. This means I will connect two wires to the bottom of the controller board to the terminals of the shunt resistor and run them to the outside of the controller. Then I will connect a switch and correct resistor to those wires. I will mount the switch under the seat in the seat bucket so the switch will stay dry. That way I can switch the torque on or off depending on my trips. If I am just commuting to work then I can turn on the torque mod and have the increased torque at the expense of range. When I am going longer distances then I can turn off the torque mod to get less torque but increased range.

What does everybody think of this mod?

Ken Finch

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

Hee hee, you could just twist the throttle less (but it's against human nature to do that). One way to develop appreciation of how much the motor is helping even when it feels like it is crawling is do ride in tandem with a bike to see how hard the other guy has to work to keep up.

My scoot has "surplus" switches on the handlebars that could be pressed into service as a "boost switch" A momentary switch would ensure that you weren't using the boost all the time... You could rig it with a relay to the resistance, or perhaps the resistance of a small gauge wire up to the handlebars and back would be equal to that shunt wire.


Colin Mc Donald
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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

I have a 2008 veloteq comuter rsv, 750 watt motor, 48 volt 20ah thinking about the mod and adding a 5th batter to 60 volts, for better range and speed, has anyone done this on a veloteq ?
any info appreciated
admin [at]

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

Hi..just a comment on my's a 2007 Challenger RSV with a 600w controller. I ride 30k a day, half of which is up fairly steep hills. I just completed the shunt mod with some improvement in low end torque. Then I disconnected the small blue governor wire from the controller..WOW! I am easy on the throttle but hills that I crept up before I can easily do 20kph. There is some additional drain on the batteries but by watching the throttle I can hold the needle fairly steady. What is interesting is..the motor is running far cooler. I think overheating was causing real performance issues before the mod.

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

hello my name is Andy and i have a 2009 veloteq challenger RSV and i was wondering if you could possibly e-mail me the photos of how you id the controller mod on your e bike with any instructions you have with it? I am asking because i am interested in doing the same mod to my veloteq challenger RSV e bike!

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Re: Controler Mod on Veloteq

I have just inherited a 2008 Veloteq SHO-GT which is a bitch on hills - I need to push with my feet to get up some of the hills near where I live (the pedals are laughable - you can't reach them from a normal sitting position!). Your mod sounds nifty. Any chance you can help a newbie with minimal electronic understanding work this?
:-) David (-:

Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Re: MPH issue on a Veloteq

Hi, I own a 2014 Veloteq Challenger RSV and I'm experiencing an issue with the bike only going 5-7 MPH. I bought new batteries and it never changed.
I'm hoping that someone like yourself can guide me in resolving this issue.

Thank you in advance,

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