My hub motor controller died. It was brushless 24v 250watts so I figure what the heck I'll replace it with a controller 36v 350 watts. The controller arrived today and i finally got it working. But working poorly.
The motor jerks when it starts off and never gets up to speed. The wires were all color coded so I followed that. Then I tried switching the sensor wires from the motor around. I switched the green yellow and blue ones around but not the red and black. I thought they might be the power leads to the sensors. But there are three wires that I think are the power leads to the motor which are a much heavier guage. I matched them by color code as well.
I think I might have a sensor crossed. That's why I tried to rematch the three colors but it wouldn't run at all when I did that. I have not tried switching the red and black ones around.
First of all is it the sensor wires mixed. Would that make it just run poorly and stutter a little/
The new controller had two red power leads one heavier than the other. I just wired them both to the positive side of the battery circuit. Is that the proper thing to do.
The controller also says it is a 60 degree or a 120 degree model do I need to do anything to try to match that up or does it not make any difference. I know a lot of questions but I know zippo about brushless motors. Well I know enough to know I don't know enough.
I found out that the knobby tire which came with the bike was rubbing. I did everything I could to stop it but that is the jerking. The motor still seems as though it is running at half speed. Any ideas what that could be. I am pretty sure I have the sensors wired right now. It just won't run at speed and it needs a little push to start turning. That could be the tire rubbing though.
Anyway the 1/2 speed thing has me buffaloed. I wonder if the fact that I oversized the controller did it. Could it still be running at the same speed it should have increased with the additional battery. I would have thought so anyway.