Just received my new battery from Ping a few days ago. 36V, 10Ah. It replaces a 7Ah lead acid battery, which was much heavier. The Ping battery has been great so far. My round trip commute is about 26km, and unlike the SLA battery I don't need to recharge at work anymore. Also, it does not get "tired" at the end of each trip like my previous battery. Ping was great to deal with. Thought I would just provide that feedback for people looking for a Li-Ion pack. My engine is a 3 years 1/2 old Crystalyte 400W (front wheel).
yea, it works for small motors 400W or less.
However, its "bms" will not support controllers over 30A
But nice and cheap.
Thats the main thing, that its cheap
The LiFepo4 BattMan www.falconev.com