This "Unofficial and useless New Vectrix Warranty Claim Register" can be used just in case it turns out to be difficult to register a warranty claim with the buyers of Vectrix' Corpse...
How about we make a list of attempted warranty claims here, so that it is on "public record" that a warranty claim was existing at the relevant time and that attempts were made to register the claim?
Of course, putting your warranty claim in here would in no way be sufficient - this is not an official Vectrix register, just a forum full people who want their scooters fixed!
Does anyone know what is the proper, official way to file a warranty claim with New Vectrix (or with whoever else succeeds at buying the Vectrix Corp remnants)?
My 2008 Vectrix needs a new charger, with a non-defective memory that actually records the amount of charge in the battery, so that I get bars and remaining range figures on the instruments instead of '0 km' and no bars, even with a fully charged battery.
Here is a link to the Vectrix Corporation Debtor Website:
Somewhere in all those very interesting documents should be something about the warranty cover conditions.
Very interesting documents in there!
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Since Vectrix went into receivership, I've had to pay for replacing my main motor controller fuse, which I believe should be covered under warrantee. I currently have a shorted cell which limits my range to only a few miles, but the local dealership has been unable to replace the battery or damaged cell due to lack of parts and technical support from Vectrix.
Has anyone read this stuff?
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
How about this bit:
Or this:
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
Vectrix with A123 lithium battery... these batteries perform like plasma, have a look at the killacycle,, KillaCycle uses A123 battery and it set the overall world record for an electric vehicle in the 1/4 mile... good choice...
Well, it does not neccessarily mean much, because "All cell Technologies", Brammo and Tesla Motors are also mentioned with "mutual non-disclosure agreements".
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
According to this the legal action between VUS and Vectrix Australia is ongoing:
Could anyone explain what that means in plain language:
"Claim to vacate debtor's petition to place distributor in bancruptcy" ???
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
Here is how to file a proper claim:
You need to complete a "Proof of claim form" and it needs to be recieved (in hard copy) before the general bar date on January 5th, 2010.
The proof of claim form is similar to the one you can find on this site:
But the form sent to some owners looks slightly different, and has dozens of pages in convoluted legal English attached to it. A bit of a nightmare for non-English speakers.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
I made a web-enquiry via the OMNI Management website about Australian warranty claims:
Original question posted:
Further question by me, this time email:
The reply:
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
congratulations Mik, after all you might end up with warranty services for your bike. I wish you best of luck and do fill in this form, it cant hurt, can it?
Oh how I wish I'd seen this earlier!!
Any further news?
My V is completely dead, was never able to be registered (some stuff up on V Australia's behalf) and is just taking up space in my garage. I've never succeeded in getting anyone from Vectrix AU or US to call me back.
That's odd. I just rode up to Vicroads and rode out with registration. This was a bit over a year ago. What happened when you went to register it, just as a matter of interest?
There's some new paperwork that's required by the state registration authorities. It appears to have no legal standing, but they just like to do it and refuse to process your registration without it. What it essentially is, is that the manufacturer has to inform them of the VIN numbers of all the bikes they bring in. If the VIN doesn't match then RTA, VicRoads etc assume it may be stolen somewhere else in the world and some how by majik transported into Australia, somehow by majik avoiding Customs who require an ADR plate and an import authority before allowing it into the country. (perhaps smuggled "internally"?) This apparently stemed the huge flow of stolen vehicles coming into Australia. ("Huge Flow" = "Nil" in this case).
Just more useless red tape.
Blogging my Zero DS from day one
Well, the first time an RTA troll decided that despite my having the receipt with me, I must have stolen it and she had better call the Police. They wouldn't tell me anything other than "call the person you bought it from". 2nd time with a different RTA who were much more helpful and less paranoid they suggested the most likely problem was a typo when the VIN was being registered with DOTARS. The gentleman at the RTA even called Vectrix Australia (whom I bought the bike from), and gave them very precise instructions about how to fix the problem, however, as the months passed it was to no avail. Vectrix emailed me a few times telling me the problem was sorted out, however, whenever I went to the RTA they said it was not.
I had exactly the same issue with the Zero, mismatch with the DOTARS database. Held it up for a day or so, but Zero sorted it out.
I'm reminded of my mother's trip to India. After filling in several forms in triplicate and having them checked and stamped by no less than three seprate officials in 2 different buildings she received permission to take a ride on a bus... She asked them if the British had left them with all this red tape, to which the proud and delighted reply was "Memsahib, the British left us with much red tape but we have added much much more of our own!"
I have been thinking about going on a motorcycle trip overseas. I checked up about what is required to bring my own, registered in NSW, motorcycle back into NSW.
Wow, only $50 for all that red tape, what value for money!
Blogging my Zero DS from day one
I don't think I would have let Charles off the hook quite that easily.
Well getting hold of him is quite an art. It took 6 months for him to reply to my emails and I don't think I ever managed to get him on the phone. I did get an email from James saying he would replace the Vectrix with another but it never happened, despite us ironing out the details. The Victorian department of Justice mediated for a while and advised me to pursue legal action, but in trying to gather the required information to serve papers on Vectrix I came across some info on the owner which quite put me off: or google Xavier David Holden sometime. This is the bloke who apparently muscled Charles and the other directors out.
My understanding is that the issue with vicroads and rta not registering without it being on the DOTARS database has no legal standing, it's procedural only. I think Marcopolo might be able to shed some light on this as he's familiar with vectrix, dotars and the law. Perhaps a PM to him?
Blogging my Zero DS from day one
actually, on second thoughts,
I'd call the NSW ombudsman. You've bought a vehicle, you can prove the you paid for it, it's not stolen. The RTA is refusing to register it because of an issue with their database, not for any actual cause. I personally can't find anything in the legislation that requires them to follow this process. They provide free legal service and advocacy. Well it's not actually free, but the department you're complaining about foots the bill. It can't hurt, give them a call, you're thousands out of pocket if you can't use the bike you paid for and it's not your fault.
Blogging my Zero DS from day one
Thank you for all that information. I will have another chat with the RTA and put forward your information and if they can't help, I'll talk to the Ombudsman (assuming that Steve from the UK is able to help me get the bike functioning - no point having a registered but un-ride-able bike).
wait...did you buy it from Vectrix Australia or Charles after Vectrix folded?
If V Aus, then I guess I can understand Charles' reluctance, but otherwise I'd be surprised as I've found him responsive.
Steve would need mighty long cables to fix your bike from the UK....
What you will need is a 150V DC power supply to re-awaken the battery, and maybe software and CAN-adapter to update the bikes firmware, depending on how long it has been standing unused.
Go very easy on the batteries for the first few cycles until they recover their capacity.
I would probably charge the battery at 0.3A for almost a week for the first charge, then ride very gently for maybe 10km before using the on-board charger for the first time. Several more gentle EQ charges could be useful to fully re-awaken the battery.
Some Ni-MH batteries are remarkably resilient, reportedly even like deep discharges to 0V.
You can possibly ruin the battery by demanding high power and high capacity before all cells have had time to slowly re-awaken. The weaker cells can get damaged severely by either reverse charging or by high current over-charging by the stock charger.
Any decent EV repair shop should be able to help you out with this, there surely must be one in Sydney by now?
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I bought the bike from Vectrix Australia when Paul Dawson was still working there, I guess prior to Xmas 2008. I did speak to Charles on the phone well after V AU folded and he was sympathetic at that time, but powerless.
The batteries weren't working prior to the charger dying, I had been on ~20-30km range for ages. Steve is going to speak to the people in Poland re warranty repairs I believe, rather than fix it himself, as I'm not a UK customer. I presume either V Poland will pay for the repairs to be done (as the bike failed well within warranty period, with multiple issues), or if not, then they supply parts and I pay to have them installed. There were just so many issues with this one, I think the list of parts required will be long.
Thank you for the recommended reactivation protocol - I will file that away for the appropriate time.
Sorry, but I was working on the wrong assumptions here!
I thought that the bike was practically unused and in full working order, because it had never been registered. If the bike had multiple severe issues as you say, then the trickle charging alone will of course not fix it.
Broken charger and damaged battery is probably too much to fix, unless you do a Lithium conversion including new charger. Matt is using a different charger, but it seems that this is not going to be a "plug and play" scenario.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
Vectrix's have been around in Australia long enough for people to have crashed a few.
which means there are second hand chargers floating about.
A brand new one is 360E IIRC, so thats an option.
I have a Vectrix Lithium conversion kit ready for an Australian Customer (including batteries) as someone pulled out from the conversion workshop.
you will still need to be either willing to work on the bike yourself, or find someone else willing.
see PM for contact details of your local AEVA branch.
Daily Ride:
2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km