Hello everybody. I am an american spending most of my time here in Quanzhou(Fujian)China.I have tried searching for any information online about the laws here in Quanzhou. Lots of information about Shanghai, they are very strict about the top speed there, and the scooter "must" have been purchased there in Shanghai. From what I have gathered so far, each city and provinces are different. The reason for wanting to find out is that I am wanting one of the big powered electric scooters. I am currently riding a cheap 800 watt...48v little scooter. Maybe Mountain Chen( I believe he is located in the Fujian Province) or someone else could tell me or direct me to a website for Quanzhou rules and regulations.
Thanks everyone for any help you might be able to give me.
Have a wonderful day!
Calling Mountain Chen.......Maybe you could tell me or show me on a website the information.
It is illegal to ride electric scooter in Quanzhou city downtown.
Actually 90% chinese E-bike are illegal because they are heavy more than 40kgs and speed quicker than 20km/h !