OrCad / Auto CAD / Schematic capture

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Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 15:49
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OrCad / Auto CAD / Schematic capture

Does any one know of a simple and easy Schematic program for computers? I dug out my old computer an 486 DX2 and still works! It has OrCad ver 1.6 for DOS. A lot of good it does printing now for no print drivers and I think Oregon CAD must be history. Some where I have Auto Cad 10 and it is supposed to do schematics but all I could do is draw frames and battery boxes. I sort of need to make updates for my electric vehicles both made in china and home made 1000 watt mountain bike I am working on for a winter project. I have some nifty schematics I made for my electric truck to shut off mail line contactor when getting out of vehicle. So many times I forgot to turn off ignition. Rather quiet when I stopped. Plus if I can print out some common schematics I can post then so every one can see then on my web page or VisforVoltage! It doesn't have to be a very powerful capture program just basic circuits for maybe a few IC's and XTRS. An of course basic coils and transformers.Size A or B

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