Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

Hello Everyone ,
I just read this post on another website and it got me sorta concerned ..This Guy got a kit from one of the manufacturers and when he used it for the second time it burnt up his controller ..

Seems the diagnosis is that the regen braking was putting out too much current for the SLA batteries he was using and it sorta "backed up" and burnt the controller ??? That's the story ...

Gonna try to post a link to the site .. endless sphere .. Thing is I'm a real newbie and am hopeing to get my first e-bike going Monday .. Had to wait for payday to even be able to afford the SLA Batteries I'm gonna use for now .. Cannot afford the LiFePo4 for now and REALLY want to get going .. This motor .. "kit" is the new Magic Pie with the internal controller ... I have nothing else to compare it with but so far I'm impressed .. Seems to be good quality parts ..The motor-spokes-wheel and axel are really heavy duty .. I't came to me in Florida from China in 7 - seven days ..

Anyhow I haven't heard of anything like this anywhere else .. Seems like lots of people would be reporting it if it was a problem . But if anyone out there can set my mnd at ease I'd really appreciate it .. I'd even unhook the regen braking for now .. (if it doable) untill I get another battery ..

OK , Longgg enough - Thanks again , Don J.

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Re: Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

A 9 AH battery is too small to use with a 1,000 watt 48 volt motor! (It will not LAST long, either!)You should use at least 35 AH batteries, with 10 guage wiring, for good performance at 48 volts with a motor of that size. Regen braking, with small batteries nearly at full charge, can be a problem! A solution is to wire a "Shunt regulator" capable of dissapating the excess power as heat, in parrallel with the battery. This regulator should be able to handle at least 500 watts if used with a 1000 watt motor, and should be designed not to conduct untill excess voltage, say 57 to 58 volts is sensed, as fully charged 48 volt batteries may reach 56 volts.--The shunt regulator typically would involve a zener diode and a darlington arrangement of power transistors and/or power resistors on a large heatsink.-Bob

Robert M. Curry

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Re: Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

Hello Bob ... Thanks for your reply ... And the "solution?" .. How about a way to disconnect the regen braking .. Sounds like it is gonna be nothing but trouble .. I see anoyher post where it will affect NIMH batteries too .. I can live without it if thats the deal .. Thanks Don

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Re: Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

Regen is marginal even for low drag full size EV's, and pretty silly for non-streamlined two-wheelers. OTOH, the regenerative braking on my XB-600 is pretty effective and helpful in reducing brake wear, but it only returns power (max 200W) to the batteries when the speed is well over the regulated 20MPH.

You won't miss it much if you disable it, especially on a two-wheeler with effective brakes already.

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 18:50
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Re: Regen Braking Burns up Controller ???

Hello , I found out that the regen braking works fine for my kit as most of the voltage is used in the braking part . I beleive it as the regen brakes work very good on my bike . Doesn't grab but sure helps slow down even the lightest touch . The brake pads aren't even touching but the bike is slowing down smouthly and fairly quickly ..

I have the new Magic Pie by Golden Motors and am 110% happy wiyh it and the customer service . I emailed them about this issue and got the answer back the same evening . Ordered this kit and received it in 7 days China to Florida , USA ..

I'm happy everything works and was easy to install .. That's enough .Thank You , Don J.

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