strange noise from BL36 motor

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Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - 19:08
Points: 10
strange noise from BL36 motor

I just replaced the controller on my BL36 kit (because the screws came lose from the heat sinks and shorted the board on the case) The new controller works (I guess?) But now there is a chattering sound coming from the hub motor. its the same shuttering/chattering that it used to make if I didn't get rolling a little first,like from a dead stop. but now it does it till I'm going about half speed. I have a lifepo4 20Ah battery pack and thought that might be the problem, So I switched it with a set of SLA 12Ah but still have the same problem. Is there some thing that can come lose in the hub that could cause the problem. Or did I fry the hub or the throttle. I rely on my bike as my only form of transportation. Please help me with any feed back or advice.
Thank You

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - 19:08
Points: 10
Re: strange noise from BL36 motor

Ok does this mean no one has a idea of what is wrong with my wilderness BL36 system? Oh well it was worth a try. Happy Holidays to All

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: Monday, May 3, 2010 - 18:17
Points: 5
Re: strange noise from BL36 motor

I also have the Wilderness Energy BL36 on my TREK bike. I have only used it a few times in a year since i had it. Today I went out on the bike trail and the hub motor will not work. I thought maybe the SLA batteries weren't fully charged so I came back home and charged them fully. Still no luck. I measured the batteries and they read over the 12VDC each and I get a 48V reading out of the battery pack terminal before it enters the controller. There is no voltage reading at the hub connection even though I have full green on the throttle controller, the controller box lights blinking green, solid red as it should. I suspect the controller is malfunctioning. Do you know of any one that can check it or even fix it. I feel it's all money down the drain if I can't.
P.S.- When it did work I felt the same straining noise coming from the hub working hard on slight incline hills until I could get up to speed on level.

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 02:39
Points: 98
Re: strange noise from BL36 motor

LYEN can fix your controller or maybe allow a trade in plus money. I have Aotema brushless & sensorless kits and they make a humming or buzzing noise that is normal. Once there is less acceleration/strain the noise goes away.
As for your controller, you probably shorted something because you are running or idling at 48v. The controller
is for 36v?
I just did a trade in with LYEN.

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