X-Treme Scooters customer

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ArcticFox2's picture
Last seen: 11 years 2 weeks ago
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X-Treme Scooters customer

Written by "Angela"

Written by "Angela" on the Struggleville Blog:

I wish I would have seen this blog before I purchased the X-500 for my son for Christmas from [X-tremescooters.com]. I'm having some of the same problems as everyone else on this blog and am so frustrated that here it is Jan 15th and my son hasn't even had a chance to enjoy his Christmas gift. Our main issue was the back wheel which came deflated and because of the poor design we are unable to get an air pump to fit to inflate it. In addition, the back fender came damaged. The scooter was delivered timely but without instructions on how to install the front tire that came in separate packaging. When I tried to contact customer service right after the holiday I could not get anyone by phone. I filled out the repair ticket on-line and got an email response that they are replacing the rear tire tube and the fender and the matter is closed. So I get the package with the replacement tube --we don't even know if that is the real problem and the replacement rear fender which is in worse shape than the original one on the scooter. Now I am supposed to figure out how to replace the rear tire tube without any instructions. I took it to a bicycle shop and they want to charge me $50. Another bicycle shop won't even touch it. How sad that a company that claims it has the best product on the market has such poor customer service. I cannot recommend this company to anyone. I purchased this scooter on a friends recommendation and I feel bad because I should have done more research on the reviews - I would have never purchased this item had I read this blog! So now I have a $400 scooter that is not rideable and I have to pay another $50 to get it fixed and the warranty states it does not cover the tire tube nor is it responsible for repair fees. I've noticed that X-treme Scooters hasn't even responded to any of the customers in this blog to try to make things right.


Thank you Angela.

robert93's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 12:28
Points: 240
Re: X-Treme Scooters customer

At least there is good documentation out now about these business practices. And at least there's a few out there getting an 'occasional' good response, which shoould be the norm rather than the exception. I still find it very annoying that there isnt an American manufacturer of these bikes, and equally a shame that there seems to be no way for dealers to get reliable service channels such as the Auto industry has for parts and service. I did my homework before buying, and still wound up with a 500w scooter (other than x-treme) and still ran into a bike with bad cranks, thus making it unusable under Georgia law (pedals must be functional) The spindle for the cranks looks hand-hammered, and the cranks fall off! Oh well......

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