Name this connector type.

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Drew Diller
Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 21:15
Points: 4
Name this connector type.

I am building an e-bike, and most of my components have arrived. I'm having trouble with the battery pack (from Headway, 36V 10Ah), specifically how to plug the darn thing in. I was not provided any cable adapters in my purchase!

I need to buy adapters, but I know the name of only one of the two sockets on the battery (I assume one is for charging, the other for draw).

An IEC C13 connector is coming from the AC to DC charging box. On the battery, there is an IEC C8 socket, but I'm pretty sure that is meant for draw, not for charging. (Should it matter?)

I need to know the name of the other connector pictured.

I have more pictures of the battery internals, if it would help.

(Photos attached by moderator.)

Drew Diller
Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 21:15
Points: 4
Re: Name this connector type.
Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sunday, January 3, 2010 - 09:11
Points: 14
Re: Name this connector type.

The 2nd pic from the top with the connector next to the carry handle will be your charge point. I've not personally seen that type used before. The bigger connector on the battery is your power connection and again it's a rather unusual connector. They both look like quite a bad choice of connector and especially the power connector. They should have really used a female connector. The charger was not supplied with the pack? If not make sure it's the right voltage. 36V lifepo4 will require 43.8V max or thereabouts. Check the polarity of the charger and battery connections with a multimeter before you make up any plugs. Don't assume that a certain colour cable used means it's positive, it often doesn't.

Your controller uses Anderson Power poles for motor and power. The 3 plugs blue, green and yellow are your motor windings, red and black are power. Hall sensors look ok.

Best of luck

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