Forum usability on mobile devices

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kingcharles's picture
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Forum usability on mobile devices


I find this forum poorly designed for use on my mobile (Android) device, the left frame is covering half the pages.
With the new captcha it has also become impossible to log in because the letters are half hidden behind the left frame.
would there be a chance that this can be improved?


Mik's picture
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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices


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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices


I find this forum poorly designed for use on my mobile (Android) device, the left frame is covering half the pages.
With the new captcha it has also become impossible to log in because the letters are half hidden behind the left frame.
would there be a chance that this can be improved?


I think you mean the right frame (which shows recent forum & blog posts)? I checked using the Chrome browser and the righthand stuff can cover the middle stuff, whereas the lefthand stuff (the advertising) does not cover the middle stuff, no matter how narrow I make the screen.

I just reconfigured the setup so the right hand so it doesn't show on user/login and user/register screens. You should now have no problem seeing the captcha.

- David Herron,

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

I always mix up left and right, but thanks for fixing this!
As I am able to post this from my Android device again.

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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

BTW - could you take a look at this please: ??

I'm working on a design idea for a new navigation style. It looks fairly useful - on a screen with a reasonable screen real estate. Obviously your phone will have a smaller screen than my laptop.

- David Herron,

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

The frames are displayed such that the frame with the scooter pictures stays on top, then below that the frame of the forums is displayed and I need to scroll down these two to get to the latest posts frame. (HTC Hero)
But that latest posts frame looks really nice. Just worried that if there will be frames next to it that it becomes less attractive.
Will that frame layout also be the new layout of the individual forums?

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Mik's picture
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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

I rarely use my "Pocketsurfer" these days, mobile internet through some USB plug-in mobile phone dongle gizmo has developed so far that I do not have to put up with the small screen and pathetic speed any longer! Now, I can get on the net using my laptop and actually sort of enjoy it!

But when you use a small screen, then some of those Captchas are a PITA indeed! The previous set was great for the Pocketsurfer, because it was visible and one only needed to type one letter. Hard to believe that any old box would be unable to crack the code, though!

With the recently returned captcha type, it's a matter of trying again and again and again, until - by sheer chance - only lower case letters are used in the captcha. That means it is actually visible, even the last letter, because it will be short enough to fit the screen!

That usually helps, but not always....

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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

@kingcharles - I'm thinking of that layout only being used for the main navigation pages, not for forum pages, not for post pages, etc.

@Mik - The switch back to the ASCII ART captcha was because of spammers. We had a huge burst of spamming one night and I switched to ASCII ART and haven't had the spamming since. It seems the fill-in-the-blank captcha was too simple. But I hear ya, size is important (in captcha's anyway).

- David Herron,

kingcharles's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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Re: Forum usability on mobile devices

I have no problems reading the asci on my Android (as long as it is not covered)
And making it as hard as possible for spammers has my blessing!

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