Electric Scooter/Bike Hybrid

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Ardyce Oliver
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 - 14:07
Points: 7
Electric Scooter/Bike Hybrid

I am taking a 48v 750w scooter hub motor and putting it onto a bike. I need to spoke a new wheel with this large hub motor and I'm not sure where to start. I just got the electric scooter for 100$ and now I have a hobby. I have no license but can get around that by strapping this motor to a wheel. I will have pictures available shortly during the whole process for all of you fans of building soon but thats after I figure out the flange sizing I have to drill to spoke out the wheel. Any talk and advice will be helpful. My grandfather's sprint car garage will be whre most of the fabricating will take place at so....

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