No noise, so it seems like they are going really slow, until you see the driver's view... then you realize these are drifting on ice quite quickly.
No noise, so it seems like they are going really slow, until you see the driver's view... then you realize these are drifting on ice quite quickly.
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Another nice video:
unknown file type..
this could help:
"doing nothin = doing nothing wrong" is invalid when the subject is environment
flv is flash video. It should play right in the Firefox browser. You could use a vlc player
or you could watch via the larger link to play in explorer:ème%20Course%20Electriqueème%20Course%20Électrique
What is the motor used on the electric car?
Is it high power brushless motor or series wound motor?
Or is it AC motor or DC motor?
I want to express my admiration of your writing skill and ability to make reader to read the while thing to the end