Crystalyte Cruise Control with Cyclone (Headline) Controller on electric bike--how can I do it?

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Crystalyte Cruise Control with Cyclone (Headline) Controller on electric bike--how can I do it?

In that as far as I know Cyclone does not produce a cruise control and Crystalyte does I would like to mary the two for my 650 watt 24 V e-trike.
I have scant information now but will put up what I do have at the moment. I can tell you that the Crystalyte cruise control works off the Hall Effect, ties into the e-brakes(stops), & I think it is a 5-pin connector with four pins used. This link gives some information.

Picture.aspxCruise control.jpg


This photo is from a Headline controller (Cyclone)

So, what I am asking for please is some insight on how to accomplish this project.

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 18:50
Points: 26
Re: Crystalyte Cruise Control with Cyclone (Headline)...

Hello , Has anyone tried this ? Or even know where I could buy one of these or one like it ?? I have a magic pie 5 1000 watts that has cruise control ..I use it a lot but sometimes when bouncing along it's hard to hold the correct throttle and hit the engage button at the same time ..resulting in being set to to low or high a speed ...i really like the idea of the plus and minus buttons on this ..just like my car ...Trying to find any info I can on this modification ...Thanks in advance for any help you can give ..

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