Hi i just got a gelato electric bicycle. It runs good but has some minor problems. one is that it doesnt exceed 10mph and second the battery gauge doesnt work. does anyone know how to fix it? thanks.
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From what I have read, your bicycle is a 48 volt vehicle, and should have 4 identical 12 volt batteries, and at full charge, the total voltage should be about 55 volts D.C. (each battery should read about 13 to 14 volts) It is very likely that you need a new set of batteries, that is probably why the previous owner sold it so cheaply! Get new batteries, and performance and the battery guage should be correct, but TEST them with a digital voltmeter first!--Bob
Robert M. Curry
Another thing is if the battery charger isn't working the batteries might not be getting fully charged. A multimeter is an excellent idea either way as it will help you determine the battery state. Weak batteries will result in weak performance.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
Thanks Bob and reikiman! I will check the batteries first with a multimeter before buying new batteries.
New update..I checked the batteries and they are good. All of them are at a little over 13v except one which was 12.93. So the batteries are not the issue. Any other ideas on how to get the bike running to 20mph again? thanks
Any luck with this? I have a Gelato in the MV/LA/Sunnyvale area. We might be able to compare notes.
Voltage before riding means nothing.
You have to get the voltage WHILE riding.
With SLAs there is a signifant voltage drop(re SAG) while riding.
Even though they may say 13v when fully charged, they might have no power left in them.
If they drop below 12v while riding that would be the reason why you can't get the speed.
I have Three sets of batteries i use.
1 set is 36v SLAs (33ah) , I get a max of 16mph out of them (fully new)
1 set is 36v Lifepo4 (15ah) , I get a max of 18mph out of it. (fully new)
last set is another 36v lifepo4 (10ah) with ONE of the 11 cells that's low and I only get 15mph out of it.
So state of full power in a battery means nothing, until you put a load on it.
The SLA's drop to just about 12.4v on full throttle. (range is about 27 miles)
The Lifepo4 drop to just about 12.9v on full throttle (range is about 22 miles)
and the Lifepo4 with the bad cell drops to about 12.2v (range is about 12 miles)
I had a set of SLAs (36v) 18AH's and when "fully" charged would read 13.2 on average, but when riding, I would only get 12 miles out of 'em at 13mph, when I should get at least 16 miles at 16mph.
Apparently, you did not see my "Thank you" post regarding the Gelato speed thing.
Someone, somewhere mentioned the problem. - I took a chance on their solution and
it worked beautifully. - From the unmarked controller box two gray wires come out
that only go to one another. - They are connected together with a connector. -
Disconnect them and tape them closed so that they can not short out to anything.
Then, check your speed again. - It certainly worked for me. - Max speed went from
7 mph to about 20 mph. - If the controller 'blows', please don't blame me. - I took
the chance and it worked GREAT ! - BUT, i cannot guarantee that your controller is
identical to mine. - Two wires hanging in space with nearly infinite resistance should
not do any harm to your controller. (?) - Good luck. -