I was having a problem with my rear tire going flat. I took it to a shop, because I dont have the know-how or tool to change the rear tube. They fixed it, and 2 days later flat again, they fixed it again, same thing. A total of 4 flats in less than 2 weeks. Finally they got a heavy duty motor-cross tube and I have not had a problem since. I use my scooter for work and school. It is my DUI-mobile (I'm sure I'm not alone). I am also about 250lbs and could carry up to 25+ lbs of gear sometimes. It seems even the smallest bump really rattles my bike, which has resulted in every bulb filiment breaking. Any ideas on how I can soup up the suspension? I live in Arlington TX and the sidewalks are horrific.
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I'd bet that you could get scooter or racing shocks that fit, at least on the rear. You'll need to measure the stud size and the length.
On that flat, as on my pedal bike, a piece of debris may be caught in the tire and pertrudes through inside the tire only when the tire is compressed ( as in when you ride it ) this happens alot in my tires and wall thickness is very thin. I could imagine what could get into a thick piece of rubber like these tires. Next time they go flat take a real close look for a small pin sized hole inside and out.
Dave C. Stout
Low Carbon Products
Good call. I've also found bits of wire lodged through the tire, ready to re-create a flat as soon as the tire is re-installed. Always do a complete check of the inside of the tire for smoothness and condition.