EVD with a Kelly Controller

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Friday, August 15, 2008 - 06:40
Points: 77
EVD with a Kelly Controller

I want to assure everyone that I have searched this topic for two hours and on Google with no clear result. So, here I go:

Has anyone replaced the Martin EVD controller with a Kelly or other better programmable controller? If anyone has tips, diagrams or just thoughts, I'd appreciate it. There is no point in putting in 3k worth of batts if the stock controller is limiting the acceleration to kiddy car level.

I assume after reading the Kelly manual and specs, this is not too outlandish, I have the skills, the test equipment, tools, electrical facility. Has anyone successfully accomplished a kelly upgrade on an EVD, is the motor phase and pinouts known.

On a pain level from 1 is plug and play to 5 is male equiv. of childbirth, what say?

Any help is greatly appreciated, and may I say that after getting the EVD, as good as it is, I am craving more, and will buy a 5KW like and Emped (anyone know about those?) Or some other higher end model and use the EVD for a while and advertise it locally.

But first, I wouldn't mind dropping a controller if it is reasonable and possible with a few connectors and such.

Thanks all!

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