cyclone motor with 24v charger and 24v ping LiFePo4 batteries

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cyclone motor with 24v charger and 24v ping LiFePo4 batteries

Hello, a little help please.

1. My Cyclone charger's fan does not come on when plugged into battery pack

2. It began getting very hot at the plug from charger to battery pack, but would charge well.

3. The last time I used the charger it began smoking and melted the plastic around one of the pins of the connector.

4. The cyclone motor will now shut off as soon as i put it under load. Then I unplug it from the battery pack and replug, it starts again until under load, then turns off again.

5. the battery pack reads 23.9 on the 24v pack.

It seems that the charger is not working because the fan does not turn on. Why does the motor cut off under any load? Any help would be appreciated.


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