Another RC Outrunner ?

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Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, June 17, 2007 - 08:43
Points: 62
Another RC Outrunner ?

I just perused this forum to look at the Outrunner posts/questions. Most of what I found was not favorable, but it was almost more than one year old. Has anyone done a brushless outrunner conversion in the past few months? I have read of people have favorable results on other forums. I am not trying to start a war by asking on this forum. Instead I am trying to get a balanced view before I plunk down $$$ I am hoping to do a conversion on a 24 pound folding bike and I would like to keep the weight down as low as possible so that I can keep the advantages of a folding bike. I will still be folding it and taking it on busses, trains, subways, and maybe, yes, maybe on a plane or two, but the weight is still a problem.

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