It's "designed as an open platform to support engineering innovation and creativity, providing a test bed for the evaluation and application of advanced lithium-ion battery technology for prototypes, new application development, and for improving performance and reducing cost for existing applications"
The application kit contains:
- Altairnano Advanced Lithium-Ion 24V 50Ah Battery Module(s)*
- Connection and Control Unit (CCU) with Battery Management System (BMS) and Charge and Protection Package
- Netbook (Factory verified communication with BMS with detailed system performance monitoring)
- A turnkey suite of components for easy installation and rapid deployment
- Nano-lithium-titanate (nLTO) Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Technology
- Measurement of all relevant technical and operational parameters: charge cycles, cell balancing, temperature, and other features
- BMS Service Tool Software pre-loaded on Netbook for BMS communication, service, reprogramming, and diagnostics
- Charge and Protection Package to ensure optimal performance
Spec sheet from the above PDF