I bought this machine a few months back from a guy who I think is honest and said he'd purchased it for his wife and only charged it five times. I charged it a dozen times and it was working fine until one day when it suddenly slowed to a crawl and moved forward with a very irregular and abrasive feel. He thinks it may be a scrambled pulse sequence in the controller. Is there any way to test for this?
The company said it could be a loose wire or bad hub, but all the connections and fuses look fine to me. Any ideas? I want to fix it so I can sell it.
Thanks for any replies in advance.
It could also be a loose/broken magnet, inside the hub-especially if it turns roughly with power OFF, when you turn the wheel by hand, or push the vehicle.-Bob
Robert M. Curry
Thanks Bob. It seems to turn okay. Have you disassembled a hub before? It doesn't look too difficult other than getting the proper tension on the chain and attachments.