Re-wiring diagram & body panel fasteners for the XM-3100

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Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Re-wiring diagram & body panel fasteners for the XM-3100

I removed the body panels, batteries, and long wires that could have been damaged when relocating the XM-3100 to California.

Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the XM-3100? I'd hate to fry the controller or other parts after getting the batteries together again.

I'm also wondering if anyone knows the specs or source for replacing the Tinnerman U-type speed nut fasteners for putting the body panels back on. A bunch of the fasteners are bent from overtightening and aren't easily reused in the condition they're in.

gallitzin's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 16:29
Points: 13
Re: Re-wiring diagram & body panel fasteners for the XM-3100


Picture of two wires in question. The two red and black heavy gauge are not the wires I am concerned about. I realize the really heavy gauge wires are meant as the positive and negative ends of the battery group wired in series.

Where do the smaller red/green pair of wires go? What purpose do they serve? I'm currently guessing that they also are attached to the pos(green)/neg(red) end points of the batteries in series, but for charging purposes. The wire gauge thickness and colors are the same as the charge port intake (green/red), and the loop connectors seem only suitable for connecting to the battery posts.

A wiring diagram is available in the XM-3100 manual (last page), but I'm still not sure.

XM-3100 - History
* 60V charger dead on arrival, 2 months for new replacement. That replacement died in 2-3 weeks.
* 60V charger purchased as backup ($50) from It has specific instructions for plugging a

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