What capacity "D" cells in the Crystalyte Journey pack

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What capacity "D" cells in the Crystalyte Journey pack

I just installed the Journey kit on my bike and although the speed is adequate I know 48 volts will definitely give me what I'm looking for. I just took apart the Crystalyte pack and there are no markings on the D cells. My idea is to add another 10 cell pack in series and charge that pack separately. The controller is rated for 48 volts, so I should be OK with the higher voltage. The specs on the pack describe it as a 36v 8aH pack. I would like to get the same exact cells to keep everything in balance. Any ideas?


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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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Re: What capacity "D" cells in the Crystalyte Journey pack

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, we're so glad your here.
There are several members here who are familiar with Crystalyte who I'm sure can answer your question.
This may help?
The 36volt pack is shown below with the cells out of the case, there are 30 'D' size cells (33mm*56mm) in the 36volt 8ahr pack.

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Re: What capacity "D" cells in the Crystalyte Journey pack

It's not real clear from their site ... however on their "Battery Boxes" page they show two sizes; 8ah and 13ah

So... 8ah cells are usually D, while 13ah cells are usually F. At least that's what I gather from having perused batteryspace.com for several years.

- David Herron, http://davidherron.com/

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
Joined: Friday, July 13, 2007 - 07:38
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Re: What capacity "D" cells in the Crystalyte Journey pack

Yes,they are definitely D size cells, and that's apparent when I disassembled the pack. I found a couple of nice 10ah 10 cell packs. I'm wondering if the 10ah capacity will pose a problem, mixing them with the 8ah pack. I would charge the 10ah pack separately, so that wouldn't be a problem. I suppose in use the 8ah cells would deplete faster that the 10ah cells. But unlike lithium cells I don't think the 8ah cells would be damaged taking them down too far. Of course the answer would be to get my hands on a 10 cell pack of the same exact cells, but I haven't seen 8ah nimh D cells in pack form. I'll see if I can contact Crystalyte directly.


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