Donate to Plant Trees

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Donate to Plant Trees

I know we all can't buy and drive the perfect electric vehicle yet. And we all can't stop all of our pollution.

So, when don't you or get others to help plant trees to help make more 02 and get rid of C02.

I found a site that has been trying to do such a thing.

chas_stevenson's picture
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Re: Donate to Plant Trees

Before you think this is a great idea you might want to read this post. I am all for planting more trees but I would be doing it for other more tangible reasons.


Chas S.
My Bicycle Pages

Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: Donate to Plant Trees

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, great idea. We have a local company doing a 50 Million Tree Pledge, I think it would be nice if the V is for Voltage Community got involved in Arbor Day Dates Across America.

If we could get just 10% of our V is for Voltage Community members to Join The National Arbor Day Foundation and receive and plant there 10 free Trees, that would be about 500 Trees planted next year in the name of the V is for Voltage Community.

Over the course of 50 years, a single tree can generate $31,250 of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control, recycle $37,500 worth of water, and control $31,500 worth of soil erosion.

Just do the math, we can make a difference.

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davew's picture
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Re: Donate to Plant Trees

Do you have any independent information about this company? I looked around the net and couldn't find anything pro or con. I know of a few services that rate the effectiveness of charities, but I don't know of anyone who rates non-profits.

So, when don't you or get others to help plant trees to help make more 02 and get rid of C02.

I hug trees so earnestly and so often that I have permanent bark burns, but I'm with Chas. Planting trees is great especially in parts of the world where they might actually help. I do not believe that they will have any impact on global warming, however. They just provide an excuse to people who are looking to relieve their guilt over not taking more direct measures.

Full time ebiker
BionX and Wilderness Energy

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: Donate to Plant Trees


I know of a few services that rate the effectiveness of charities, but I don't know of anyone who rates non-profits.

There are several, and all 5013c should file a 990, which are public records. Guide Star is the one we use a lot. There is also the BBB Wise Giving Guide.

Peace Out,

Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement

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Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, November 20, 2006 - 23:24
Points: 1720
Re: Donate to Plant Trees

`Maryland SOS The Charitable Organizations Division

Oscar Gruspe, 9000 16th Street, Silver Spring, MD 20907 (Montgomery County) Phone: (301) 565-0630
Disclaimer: This organization is in compliance with the Maryland Solicitations Act.
Income Expenses
Charitable Contributions: $293,666.00 Charitable Program: $217,372.00
Total Income: $293,698.00 Management & General Expenses: $45,532.00
Fund Raising Expenses: $3,301.00
Total: Fundraising & Mgt Expenses $48,833.00 (17%)
Percentage denotes amount of money spent on management and fund-raising for reporting year. Financial figures were obtained from organization’s IRS 990 report.
Year Represented: 2005
Uses a Paid Fundraiser: No
Purpose: Assists peoples of developing nations in planting trees and initiating other environmentally beneficial programs.

Peace Out,

Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement

Peace Out, <img src="">

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