The Ohio Moped Report.

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The Ohio Moped Report.

The Ohio Moped Report.

Title: The Moped Report.
Authors: N/A
Descriptors: Accident Prevention; Environmental Influences; Equipment Standards; Federal Regulation; Legislation; Motor Vehicles; Safety Education; Specifications; State Legislation; State of the Art Reviews; Traffic Safety; Transportation; Trend Analysis
Source: N/A
Peer-Reviewed: N/A
Publisher: N/A
Publication Date: 1978-00-00
Pages: 149
Pub Types: Information Analyses
Abstract: Designed to present the history and state-of-the-art of the moped (motorized bicycle) in Ohio and in the other states, to analyze the issues that have arisen regarding the moped and its impact on traffic safety, and to offer suggestions for future action, this report begins with a description of the current moped situation. The second section presents the history of the moped in Europe and the U.S. including an overview of the history of Ohio's moped legislation, moped accident data, and current research projects on mopeds. Section 3 analyzes current moped legislation in each of the fifty states. Three reasons for the popularity of the moped are discussed in the fourth section. Focusing on safety, the fifth section describes safety considerations related to the operator, the vehicle construction, and the environment. In addition, this section gives twenty-five safety tips for moped operators. The appendixes contain federal motor vehicle safety standards relating to the moped; Ohio's rules for motorized bicycle equipment, testing, and qualifications; an overview of current moped legislation in Canada; and a course outline for moped safety. (LRA)
Abstractor: N/A
Reference Count: N/A

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