Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

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Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Earlier today I had an inspiration to compare the Declaration of Independence with current events. It's spooky the parallels, and just makes me wonder all over again, where's the rage? Why aren't people more in arms over the current behavior and actions of the U.S. Administration? Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

MB-1-E's picture
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Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence


Frighteningly similar indeed! :)


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Dave B

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retrodog's picture
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Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Earlier today I had an inspiration to compare the Declaration of Independence with current events. It's spooky the parallels, and just makes me wonder all over again, where's the rage? Why aren't people more in arms over the current behavior and actions of the U.S. Administration? Revisiting the Declaration of Independence
- David Herron,,,
- EVT 4000, Charger bike (rebuilt), Vego 600sx (rebuilt), Electrified Electra Townie
- Lectra motorcycle

Well it's probably because the only people who have arms are the ones who voted for him and support the right. All the lefties, who would be up in arms, don't believe in owning them. So I guess Bush is pretty safe. And even if a few lefties with delusions of revolution happened to find themselves armed... they're gonna have a lot of NRA members to deal with before they even get anything done. :D

And don't fool yourself with thinking that Bush created all the problems that we have all by himself, or with only the help of his croneys. There was plenty of help from both sides. And oil money lines a whole lot of pockets. :(

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Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

I've also often wondered "Where is the outrage?"

But we're spoon-fed all the answers. We don't have to think if Seinfeld is funny. They supply a laugh track so we don't even have to laugh. We might as well get everything we want to know from Fox news because they are "fair and balanced." We know so because they say so.

War profiteers used to be hung. Now they are rewarded with record profits. We fight these wars to protect our way of life, when our way of life is excessive conspicious consumption.

Bush has been safe because not even the Republicans want Cheney in the Oval Office.

warranty dude
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Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

If you really want to see how people are fighting back, go to this website link and scroll down until you see my 2006 tax filing. It's the last one in the list. Click on the "here" link to see all my tax documents for 2006 and the IRS responses which ultimately ended in their agreeing with me that I am not a "taxpayer" under the law.

The way to fight back is to use the law against the beast.

In 2000 after the elections were stolen and again in 2001 when 9/11 set us up for endless war, I became determined to not allow my the government to use my money to fund the criminal enterprise our government had clearly become. I was not going to allow my money to kill innocent people or fund illegal wars.

Please review the information with an open mind and use it. I am not a "taxpayer" as define by Title 26 of the US CODE.

This information is no joke. It's real and it works. Go to - it will take a while for the years of brainwashing to melt away and for the information to make sense.

I have not paid Federal Income Tax or FICA since 2000 and the IRS agrees with me that I don't have to.

Email me with questions: countjosh [at]

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Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Because our overloards found it was much more profitable and effective to control the public not with force but with psychology. The goals of the powerful were obvious, make us passive isolated consumers. Propaganda became known as advertising, (after what Hitler was doing was called propaganda), and you must marvel at the success the advertising firms have had over the decades. They are great at in putting new wants in our brains, new insecurities, and as of sorta recently the republican brand has gained a stronghold on TV and radio.

Those crafty advertisers even got me to buy a Sirius radio. I had resisted the urge for two years, and finally it won. :-( Even I know what they're up to, and am not immune.

When Rep. Dennis Kucinich Introduced 35 elegant articles of impeachment against both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney hardly anyone took notice.

-DC-DC converter replaced with a Dell D220P-01 power supply.
-72V mod
-Expensive bank charger until I come up with something better... Still trying.

warranty dude
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 22:03
Points: 20
Re: Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Fight back - don't just talk about how bad it is: Click

These are documents which will give you real freedom and will give you a way to stike back at the oligarchy is a way that counts. You can take away the money they use to murder and destroy.

Everyone wants something to be done but nobody wants to do it.

Here's your chance to do what can be done:

Change the world by changing your life. It works.

Many people on this forum (and Tracy Ingram) believe me to be full of you know what...

Look at the IRS responses to my filings - They prove that I stand up for what I know to be right and I find a way to right the wrongs in my life.

Look for yourself:

If I can do this with the IRS - I think we can legally pressure unethical EV manufacturers and dealers to do the right thing! Scott MacNeilage email: countjosh [at]

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