I bought a Vectrix a few months ago.
It had fairly low range but I loved it.
Then the Runke charger died......I bought another and all seemed fine.
After I bought and installed a better battery pack, the range went up significantly and I was a happy bunny. I then decided to install Davids updated software. He has been extremely helpful telling me what values to put into the software to ensure safe operation.
After having ridden 20 miles in the past couple of days I got the red light and "BUSVLT" so I went home left the bike for a couple of hours the plugged it in.....this happened...
This was the first charge after installing the software and I've read this "NO OUT" has happened to several people before. David tells me the charger has died.
I'm done with it now, I've spent a lot of money, but met some good and very helpful people along the way. Thanks to everyone for their help. If anyone needs an expensive boat anchor, I've got one!
I'm sad to hear the EVPS runke died.
As I wrote here before, testing David's firmware killed a pair of EVPS, with this NO OUT hardware failure.
Fortunately you can easely repair it: http://visforvoltage.org/forum/14319-repair-vectrix-charger-runke-evps-v21-v30-v40-fault-no-out
keep riding it, and go for Leaf, Zoe, or Tesla battery...