Vectrix Fit and Finish

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Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 - 22:39
Points: 131
Vectrix Fit and Finish

I am getting my Vectrix in a few days. I stopped by my dealer yesterday just to say hi and to sit on the Vectrix for a bit. After I got reaquainted with the riding position I decides to crawl around the floor a bit and look at things.

Most of the Vectrix seems to be built pretty well. The panels seem solid and fit together well. The seat latches with a nice click. I could not check out the glove compartment area because I could not remember how the darn thing opened.

But then I came to the grey panels at the very bottom rear of the bike. They seem to be held on by only one bolt and are kind of flimsy.

I have never heard of anyone having a problem with them but in general loose parts have a tendency to fatigue.

When I actually get my Vectrix I will provide a more detailed report. It is kind of what I do for a living.

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 21:16
Points: 46
Re: Vectrix Fit and Finish

Ya I noticed those are flimsy aswell, can't say I've inspected them for fatigue though.

Becareful when washing down around those things, I've had about 6 cuts from bumping into the edges of those darn things.

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