
Damaged panels replaced

Colin Webster has just helped me replace some panels on my Vectrix. I would be really stuck without the fantastic support I get from Colin ( It would be great if the powers that be at Vectrix similarly support folks like Colin.

Damaged panels replaced

Colin Webster has just helped me replace some panels on my Vectrix. I would be really stuck without the fantastic support I get from Colin ( It would be great if the powers that be at Vectrix similarly support folks like Colin.

Cell Propelled's picture

gear re-arranging to reduce noise........

I found a video on YouTube under vectrix, that shows some French gentlemen swapping around the gears to I believe make the whinning noise reduced. Take a look and watch the video, it's done well. It's just that they are speaking in French. Someone needs to watch it and translate seeing what they are doing, which I think worked on the gear sound. (still fun to watch).



Encoder Studies

How It Started
After three years of spotless performance, this June the yellow wrench lamp lit up when I not even knew an Encodr fault message existed. As suggested by Mik I hesitantly opened the encoder cover and found a lot of fine black powder.

Mixed Results From Cleaning
The first time around, I just vacuumed the interior, used window cleaner and placed back the original seal,

Cell Propelled's picture


I must say "FARE-WELL" my friends. I just lost my job TODAY! So....I will be posting my V up for sale ASAP! I'll place it on EBAY for now I guess. It has 800 miles, an all weather cover, and a buddy "Love Handle" belt(very cool-look it up), for the extra rider. SHEESH! I haven't even got it dirty to wash it, it's so new! My tummy is turning just typing this! My Vectrix lives in Omaha, Nebraska,...if anyone cares.BUT HEY! It has been a great website to chat with fellow "FlyingV"s. Shall I post A few photos of my sad wake? Will someone feel badly of me posting photos of the passing?

Cell Propelled's picture

charging draw, electrical draw during the charge, how many A/Hs used in a 2 hour charge of electricity

When I plug in to charge, how much power does it use to run the charger for 2 hours. When I go to a store and they ask what kind of draw are they donating, and I visit/shop for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, how many A/Hs of power do I use.


Cell Propelled's picture

shifting front-wheel bearings?

Question for the day: Standing in front of my "V"hicular,left hand is throttle side, I noticed looking down at the front wheel, on the left side of the axel behind the disk, was a dirty, greasy ring about a finger away from the front fork. I looked at the other side, and found that something that looks like a sealed bearing, sticking out about a finger, and is close to the fork mount on the right. Tell me if you've come across this? Is this a floating bearing that is going back and forth, and has a missing bearing ring wedge? Or is this O.K. to let be.

kevin smith's picture

D . I . Y .,.. new tyre replacement............

Hi all am still alive and kiking well just when you look at my vectrix .
Rear tyre as should really have changed it a wile ago as noticed it was bald ass a koot.!!!!!!!!!
My girlfrend gave me what for for not been on the ball with tyre degredration how silly i know .
well just like to say my vectrix now 6,120 miles thought rear tyre would have lasted longer but really we all know in the know
as these scooters are heavy and and i use regen as when i can and this punnishes the rear tyre if you sit down and think about it and


vectrix charging problem

i have my new 2007 vectrix what i didnt charge for 6 months and now are dead.Black screen ,I can not recharge , when i plug in I can heare some clic noise , but nothig else...i am not eable to recharge the scooter.
I call a vectrix service and somebody told me i need to reset the vectrix to be able to make the charge system work.
I need some help if anyone can tell me what i need to do...

kevin smith's picture

Building the most efficent and lightest battery./ Pack. ?????

Hi guys i am trying to work out the best way forward....

As to making the best but not nessasery the most expencive pack .

But i know what you thinking one cancels out the other..

Well reall what i am conciddering is a life po4 cell .?

Am i right in saying that the cell pack size i/e amp ah 60 + is more efficent than lets say use have the ampage two x30..?

Because there is less trermanals inthe bigger cells therefor less waste of accsesive materails x weight .???

And also power draw is lot slower.?



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