BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

I just had a VERY bad experience at Dick's Sporting Goods.

I purchased a single-speed cruiser bike with coaster brake (steel frame, for later electric upgrade). I took it to the cash register myself and they seemed a little confused that it wasn't brought to them by a salesperson from the bike department, so they called one. He arrived and explained they had to "inspect" the bike before letting me purchase it, and then he did his sales pitch and I turned down their in-store warranty, and waited around for their 30-minute back-room "inspection" of the bike. It sounded normal when I wheeled it to the cash register, but after this inspection, shortly after leaving the store, I noticed a loud grinding noise coming from the rear wheel. I called the bike manufacturer and they said it was a "definitely" a defective coaster brake, and that it could be replaced under warranty but that since I just purchased the bike I should take it back to Dick's and have them exchange it because it never should have left the store in that condition. I called Dick's, no more than 15 minutes after having left the store, and let them know what the manufacturer said. They told me to bring it in.

When I got there, I showed them the problem and they wheeled it back to their back room to "inspect" it some more. When the department manager came out he said he wouldn't replace the bike. He told me that it showed signs of my having been in a "collision" and that he "didn't know what I might have done to the bike since leaving the store." When I told him it had been no more than 15 minutes before I called and came back, he just stared at me blankly. Of course, I was not in any "collision" in that time period. I barely rode it for 5 minutes total before determining that it was unsafe, even after their "safety inspection". Still, he absolutely refused to help me. I was polite at first, and got a negative response. I was firm, and still got a negative response. Finally, after some time and complaint, he gave in and agreed to take it in back and switch out the rear wheel if I were willing to wait for half an hour.

I had no real choice, so I accepted.

About 30 minutes later, he brought out the bike. I asked him to show me the supposed "collision" and it was a tiny bit of paint scraped off the frame near the rear hub; Hmm... Funny... that hadn't been there when I inspected the hub before bringing it in. Anyway, the wheel wasn't grinding any more, so I said I'd accept that and left.

No more than two minutes into my ride, the tire went flat. I checked it out and it appeared that the base of the air valve had a small puncture in it. It was fine previously. Now, suddenly, it was punctured?!?! I put air in it, sprayed water at the valve, and sure enough there was a small, suspicious leak at the base of the valve where there hadn't previously been one.

What I believe is that Dick's Sporting Goods pushes their in-store warranty on you, and then if you don't accept it, they intentionally cause damage to your bike when they do their "inspection" in the back room, where you can't observe them. Whether they do this to get you to pay for a warranty/repair, or just as petty revenge for not aiding their warranty commission or sales numbers is not for me to say, but I DO know that my bike, which has been in my possession less than five hours now, and has been ridden a total of seven minutes with no incidents of my own making (no curbs, no collisions, no problems caused by my driving. Just a short ride on a smooth, clean sidewalk), had a perfectly good inner tube when I purchased it initially. It held air until AFTER I had them replace the defective wheel, which they only did begrudgingly.

I would advise EVERYONE to avoid Dick's Sporting Goods. The company's policy of making their employees sell warranties has led to some shady business practices, and Dick's does not provide any information to take complaints to a higher level. The department managers seem to be in on the scam. If you refuse the warranty on a bicycle, be prepared to have it sabotaged when they do their "inspection" before you leave.

Oh, and by the way: You apparently have to let them do the bike "inspection" and then they require you to sign and initial several waivers that supposedly absolves them of any liability should you have an accident immediately after the inspection of your bike by the crack team of Dick's.

It seems pretty clear to me what is going on, here. Dick's are purposely damaging their bikes as a means of pushing their warranty. If you fall and break your neck because of it, they're not liable because you signed the waivers to get the bike. Any place that won't let you watch when they do their "inspection" should be suspect.

After looking around online, I've found several similar stories from people who purchased bicycles at Dick's, only to be falsely accused of damaging them after turning down the warranty. Since I could get no satisfaction in-store, I've decided to let everyone know about Dick's foul business practices. Hopefully, this will save someone from purchasing a sabotaged bike and getting hurt when some part fails during a ride.

Ride safe.

Last seen: 4 years 3 weeks ago
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

At my one of my Local Dick's sporting Good's store, the Bicycle repair department is out in the open with the bicycle stand, etc. Where you are able to see what they are doing. I guess not all of the stores are the same. God Bless :)

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

What happened to you is one of the big reasons that keeps me from buying all most anything. I have told plenty of salespeople that them screwing me over is why I refuse to do business with anyone but the most reputable businesses. If they do not back what they sale with 100% satisfaction, no hassle return policy I go elsewhere.

One big reason I shop at Costco and Home Depot.


ArcticFox's picture
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

I hate when salespeople are Dick's. I've seen that type of behaviour from a local mechanic - "oh, and we found this, and this, and this..." Funny how that "hole" in the radiator hose looks like someone cut it with a razor blade. I would think something like that would've leaked on the way over here.

I've learned from those experiences that it's best to either double check everything and take pictures before, or just take the time to figure out how to do something myself (three engine and one transmission builds - I'm a pro!). At least over here there are News Agencies you can report these morons to and they'll do a hidden investigation and air anything stupid going on. :)

Now this issue can't be at all Dick's Sporting Goods - where is this one located?

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

I considered telling the local news.

For now, I'll settle for warning everyone in the EV community about them, and posting on some consumer watchdog sites. I'm hoping I can just prevent others from being victimized.

Oh, and here's an update: I replaced the tire tube, and checked out the one that leaked. There was a tiny jab, as if from a tool, in the tube. There was no corresponding hole in the tire. Somehow, my tube got punctured without the tire being damaged at all. Gee... I wonder how that happened?

Yep. They actually poked a tiny hole in my previously new, structurally-sound tube, and presented it to me this way, knowing it would hold air long enough for me to get out of the store. Jerks.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!


That's nice - make a big fuss out of the bad things in your life. When was the last time you posted "watchdog" sites for the good things? Never? Never ever?

That's what I thought.

Now this issue can't be at all Dick's Sporting Goods - where is this one located?


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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!


That's nice - make a big fuss out of the bad things in your life. When was the last time you posted "watchdog" sites for the good things? Never? Never ever?

That's what I thought.

Wow. You certainly do assume a lot, don't you? Actually, if you must know, I reward good service frequently, having had 16 years in retail management before my current career will do that. The last nice thing I did for a good customer service experience was to bring cookies for the people at the store, and ask for their manager, whom I told I was very pleased with their service and recommended that the people I dealt with be given recognition or promotions for their excellent attention to customer service.

So kindly stop making assumptions about my character, since you don't know me.

Now, when I have a BAD experience-- One that borders on ILLEGAL-- then yes, I am upset and will make it known so that others will avoid the place that has provided this bad service. In the case I experienced, I was appalled at the manager's behavior, because in my entire adult life working in customer-oriented jobs, I've never felt the need to treat a paying customer like he treated me. I'm currently in a medical-technical field, and I get my share of cranky patients (it's inevitable in a medical field), but I would never treat them as poorly as that fellow and his staff treated me just moments after I dropped cash in their cash registers.

Frankly, I think it's pretty rude of you to insert yourself into this thread just to make unsupported statements about my character or my history, and all without adding one thing of value to the discussion, or even bothering to ask a question without (incorrectly) answering it yourself.

Now this issue can't be at all Dick's Sporting Goods - where is this one located?

What? I didn't act fast enough for you, so you assumed I was in-and-out, and that gave you leave to insult me?

It's in Michigan, but if you do a Google search, you'll find others who have had the same issue in other states. This is not an isolated incident.

I'm sorry I brought this up. . . Clearly, this message board is like the old Yahoo! group, where dealers use the board as an opportunity to treat potential customers like they're the enemy, and to accuse each other of stealing their business. I'm a member of several EV enthusiast groups, and most of them are pretty nice. Not this one, though.

I regret ever posting here. Forget it. Go to Dick's Sporting Goods for all I care. It's no skin off my back.

And here's a tip: If you treat your customers the same way you acted here, to me, then your business is on the path to slow death, and I can't say it would bother me at all.

Good luck, and good bye.

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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

As a consumer, I found nothing wrong with how laughsatspandex handled the situation and how he reported the shoddy and illegal practices at his Dick's Sport goods. I take it as a good warning should I go there to double check after their sales safety inspection and before purchase.

Recommending a Ban by Articfox is ill-warranted and mean-spirited and as demonstrated by Laughsatspandex response a good way to reduce the validity of this EV forum community for recommending good products and services.

Sorry that this happened to you, Laughs, and Not everyone on this forum will act in this manner.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

My thoughts:

1) Something good happens, give that person a cookie?
2) Something bad happens, broadcast your complaint to the entire world? And his complaint wasn't stating that one particular place or person was the problem, but the entire corporation is to blame.

Sure, that's fair play. Good luck with that.


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Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

maybe a better question, arctic, would be why you continue to comment on this thread... you are the only one disagreeing with laughs' reaction, and you are exaggerating both his positive and negative responses in the same fashion that you accuse him of overreacting to the incident in the first place. if he has proof of dodgy business practices and has found similar posts elsewhere on the web, then it's not isolated as your sarcastic comment suggests.

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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

My thoughts

Well, maybe the thoughts are closer to the mark then his "something".

The "something" might need a recalibration, because it often seems to tell Arctic Fox the wrong thing!

Mr. Mik

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Re: BEWARE Dick's Sporting Goods! They sabotage bikes!

I'm always leery of businesses. Small and large and rip you off. Sorry to hear you went through this. I do mechanic work on cars around here in Morgantown and I know how shady garages can be. I just worked on a car that one week ago had a new fuel pump put on, and it needed another one. They hadn't replaced it, but they told him that they did. Its not so much a particular business thats bad, but their policies. They can also buy bad equipment or hire unqualified people to service their products. But bigger businesses seem to be more apt to treat their customers badly. By reporting this, I hope that people are more careful, both the consumer and business. It's good to have a little check up every now and then what can happen. Sorry it happened, but hopefully it'll benefit others. Good luck making it an e-bike.

I bent my wheel, broke my trans, and blew my motor. Now I cry a lot.

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