Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

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Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

While looking for the original maker of the XM3500Li scooter, I fell upon the "Verde" name/logo. As it appears, X-tremescooters is using their logo illegally and are investigating into the reason why.

I have attached an excerp to my email's conversation for your review.

"Thanks Dave. We have sent an email to X-treme to find out the reason behind using our logo illegally on their bike. Again we appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention.


"Dear Dave,

We have no affiliation with X-treme scooters. Their 3500li is the same
body that we use for the Verde 3000. Some people are under the
impression that we are supplying x-treme but we have only supplied scooters in Europe to date.

The Verde 3000 can achieve 88km/h but with favourable conditions
(average sized rider, level ground, etc). However, 80-85km/h top speed
can be achieved with almost anybody up to 250lbs .

I hope this helps to clarify matters for you and I appreciate you
letting us know that there are people using our brand illegally in the USA.

If there is anything we can ever do for you in the future please do
not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

John Keohane"
I just found your web page today. I wish I would of found it earlier.
I'd like to let you read a email I sent in the
USA about a Verde Manufactured Scooter.
This XM3500li is in appearance just like your 3000 model. Does your
specifications on your 3000 model really hold up to the claim?

Any help you'd like to provide is appreciated, and I will remember
your company in the future for new sales.

Thank you
Dave Nyemaster
(Original Email looking for infrmation)

"Hi guys,
>> I received my new Scooter a while back and wanted to relay some
> information
>> back to you.
>> The product is very nice, and I'm not here to complain. But the
>> specifications on the speed is exaggerated.
>> The odometer is in Kilometers, and marked off both in KPH & MPH.
>> I used a GPS to verify the speed readings I was getting. Here is the
> result.
>> Speedometer reads 80KPH, my GPS reads 48KPH/29.8KPH. Top end appears
>> at
> about
>> 85KPH on the speedometer, which is almost 50KPH/31.7MPH on my GPS.
>> 55MPH equals about 88.5KPH in reality
>> So I figure the top speed of my scooter is about 32MPH.
>> That is a cry far difference from the specification on your webpage
>> of
> 55MPH.
>> This Scooter is suppose to be limited to 88.1KPH/55MPH and has a top
>> end
> of
>> 63MPH. I\'d like to see at least 55MPH since I paid for it.
>> Our Problem: I want to modify the speed controller to be able to test
>> the
> full
>> capability. I\'d like to know from you guys how to do that. It seems
>> that
> if
>> this scooter is really capable of that kind of speed, that someone
>> mis-programmed my scooter to 50-55KPH instead of MPH.
>> I'm writing this in good faith to your company. Please look into
>> this request, as I'm very interested in seeing the product perform
>> as
> specified.
>> The last part of my VIN is 00001, so I'm wondering if this is the
>> first
> one
>> built?
>> I will work with your company to figure out what is going on, so your
> company
>> can benefit from working with me to figure this out.
>> I'm afraid otherwise that this may upset alot of folks that don't
> understand
>> the technology.
>> I appreciated your help so far. I hope to hear soon from you on a
>> track to figure this out.
>> Thanks
>> Dave Nyemaster"
Verde Autos
30 Euro Business Park,
Little Island,

Tel: +353-21-4355338
Mobile: +353-86-8559080

The Verde Autos, who owns the logo/name is a Ireland based company who produce simular vehicles. Probably where the XM3500Li was derived. We have all be had. So good luck to all the owners out there, because your basically on your own, unless we pull together a class action law suit.

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

Ireland Based Company Who Claims Ownership of the Verde Logo

reikiman's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

In my understanding of trademark ...

A given trademark registration is per-country. If Verde Auto's only registered trademarks in Ireland then that trademark doesn't apply to U.S.

It's up to the owner of the trademark to defend the trademark.

What damage is there to customers if a company misuses another company's logo?

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

I removed the Verde "sticker" - it peels off really easy. I think Xtreme's CEM (Mountain Chen's facility) is using the same plastic parts used to fab the Verde model in the same plant and this is just an artifact of the first models shipped.

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

We are not China or Ireland, but we do respect trademarks of other countries, especially those who are allies.
The company in the US is who needs to be straightened out. I purchased a product in good faith and so did many others. We were all misled by this company.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

What "Verde" logo is this? What does it look like and where is it on the XM3.5kLi?

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jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

We are not China or Ireland, but we do respect trademarks of other countries, especially those who are allies.
The company in the US is who needs to be straightened out. I purchased a product in good faith and so did many others. We were all misled by this company.

You're confusing the issue - the Verde logo issue is not the battle you appear to want to fight. I'm pretty sure no one bought these bikes because they thought they were a Verde bike. I'm in total agreement with eped's hypothesis. If we ask Mountain Chen I'm sure he can tell us that there's a reason (he might tell us our eyesight isn't accurate).

Now, I'm not saying that Verde Autos in Ireland don't have the right to be po'd and want something done about it. They have a reputation to protect. But let them complain about it to the proper folks. They don't need you to do it for them. (Verde if you read this kudos to you for a good logo and a nice choice of green. At least one person I've shown the bike to LOVES your logo!)

I imagine the misleading of customers that you're talking about is more performance or feature related. So, if you're going to start demanding restitution you might at least want to consider what you're actually asking for. Otherwise you just come across as someone who's angry for a very strange reason.

If I'm wrong and you are actually pissed off because you got a bike with a sticker on the front of it that you didn't expect then more fool me. You go and demand that they send someone round to your house and peel it off straight away!

Yes, I'm tired and crotchety. Yes, there is much about the XM-3500Li not to be happy about. But complaining about the frickin' sticker on the front of the darn thing takes the prize for the least important thing to focus on.

P.S. the sticker on the back of my bike say XB rather than XM. I think that's the real problem - if they'd labeled it right I'm sure all of these other problems would just go away.

p.p.s. yes, I just did say the XM-3500Li has much to be unhappy about and yes I do still sell them. Show me another bike for $4049 delivered to your door that has LiFePO4 batteries installed. If you know what you're getting and it meets your requirements then it's still worth it. It's not as much of a bargain as I'd hoped it would be (more fool me).

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

This XM3500li is in appearance just like your 3000 model.

Very interesting. The Verde 2500 also looks just like a Zapino . . .
Mountain Chen used to make Zapino's.

This is pure speculation, but it makes me wonder if Verde sources parts in China for their scooters, and then "other" Chinese manufacturers have some additional Verde parts made to create their bikes. But which parts? Could it include most or even all parts? Could these be clones of the Verde? I could imagine Verde sourcing some parts elsewhere, then the Chinese manufacturer(s) would have to find replacements for those parts, and this could result in performance/quality differences for their products. I'm not sure how legal any of that would be, but the Chinese have a reputation for not respecting Intellectual Property laws.

Of course it could also be that both bikes are just based on the same Chinese Gas scooter, and there is no IP issue involved. Do all XM3500Li's have the Verde stickers or only a few?

ZEV 7100 Alpine
Fort Collins, CO

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

Color me confused (not Green). I am not sure which scooter is the Verde that is being talked about.
Here is a picture that shows the VerdE Sticker (I think). I can't comment on where this scooter came
from so please do not ask. It is right in front below the light. A Green V with the name VERDE above it.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

If I had to guess, I would bet this is really the same bike. I mean Verde's quote of "The Verde 3000 can achieve 88km/h but with favorable conditions (average sized rider, level ground, etc). However, 80-85km/h top speed can be achieved with almost anybody up to 250lbs." Just about matches up with Xtreme's claims. Most likely they both source this scooter from Mountain Chen and he just forgot to yank the Verde sticker off of the shipments to the U.S. I may be completely off base here, and certainly the stickers could cause some confusion, but eXtreme isn't advertising their scoots as Verde scoots. Even if there are differences in what Verde sells as a final product, it's probably still from the same factory in China and the body is exactly the same, so I'd still guess it's a manufacturing screw-up and not malicious intent.

Lenny Zimmermann
Metairie, LA

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

Color me confused (not Green). I am not sure which scooter is the Verde that is being talked about.

Robert, sorry if I confused things. The thread is primarily concerned with the Verde 3000 being like the XM3500Li, but I also noticed that the Verde 2500 looks exactly like a Zapino. Click on the Verde link and tell me what a Zapino owner things about that.

I can't help but notice that the Verde folks are primarily concerned about the illegal use of their sticker, not someone stealing their designs, which supports the speculation that Mountain Chen makes both.

-= Alan

ZEV 7100 Alpine
Fort Collins, CO

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

I'm not understanding. Dave bought the XM-3500Li from X-Treme scooters? Now he's trying to start trouble with some unknown company on the other side of the planet, because of a sticker?

Wow. If your conscious is keeping you from sleeping at night, you should just get rid of the scooter - you wouldn't want to be connected to alleged illegal activities (there must be some international sticker laws), would you? :)

Or you could just peel off the misplaced sticker, and enjoy your new scooter.

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

Don't get me wrong - I'm not fighting anything. I like my bike. I'd also like support from the makers, who at this time are unknown. It seems to be impossible to get simple questions answered from Xtreme so I'll just leave it at that. I suggest you do too.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

What are your questions? Perhaps someone could answer them here. :)

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jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

I'd also like support from the makers, who at this time are unknown.

If by "the makers" you mean the manufacturer then that is very much known. It's made by which is a company owned by Mountain Chen. Mountain posts on this site.

What questions do you have?

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters

Dear David,

Thank you for your enquiry regarding VERDE Electric Vehicles.

VERDE and VERDEAUTOS are trademark/patented brand worldwide. We do offer franchises which allow the use of the VERDE brand in a specific market/area.
Is this something you are interested in?

Kind regards,

Jonathan Fitzpatrick

Verde Autos
30 euro business park,
Little island,

(m): +353 87 7535467
(p): +353 21 4355338

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Verde Logo Used Illegally By X-tremescooters


David wants to start international wars. Johnathan just wants to sell him another scooter.

What's wrong with this picture?

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<a href="">[img]

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