EV Consficated by Municipality

Submitted by SPARKY on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 13:40
Authority's Steal my Experimental EV Prototype,
The City has removed my 250w EV motorscooter and taken it to a landfill, without proper notice.
Does Big Oil, Plastic, Gambling, and Coal Fired Electric...have Absolute Power Over Alt. Renewable Energy Enthusists?
I have read about True Visionary's Tesla, Magnatron, Etc...Losing their Prototypes, and more...
I can imagine that any and all repression will be used to silence a person trying to follow renewable energy.
Collusion is the only term I can come up with, between Private Industry and the Municipality...
Sparky (new to blogging)
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Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Do you live in the U.S.? Whose laws do you live under? What reasons were given?
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
They don't have to know that's an EV do they? Don't attract so much attention to yourself.
Get a real EV, Do the speed limit, and don't advertise it's an EV. One of the reasons I didn't go with
the eGobike or pedal bike ev solution: There's no place around here I can ride one of them. Make no
mistake, If you live in the suburbs of any major city, your going to be surrounded on the road with
hummers and tahoes. It's made quite clear that things like bikes will not be tolerated on the road.
That's why very few people ride them around here.
In fact, the two officers who pulled me over both laughed while saying "where are you going to charge that man!, lol!"
Besides out west, EV's are still considered a joke by the majority. You're a freak if you take the action that
makes the most sense and saves you the most money, you're normal if you are 50 lbs overweight, drive an SUV, and in debt
for the rest of your life. I'm happy being a freak. :-)
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
SPARKY wrote
Just out of curiosity, was your Experimental EV Prototype enclosed in a building, or lying around outside
(like your home)?
Also were you riding it around city streets and you got pulled over etc, and then it got taken away?
Otherwise un registered (no plates)?
Who was the authority (ie; police, or federal government etc) that took your prototype?
The city; Correct me if I am wrong, I am thinking you live in Iowa
(based on your member's page on the forum.
This might help, not sure http://www.dot.state.ia.us/mvd/ods/newlaws.htm
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Yes, I live in Iowa. No reasons were given. I had to contact an Attorney, as this ( blog )was the only place I had to turn to. The bike was an electric motor scooter, which I bought at a yard sale along with 2 electric mowers. The bike sat in the basement for a couple of years, and as the controller didn't work. I was able to install a Trolling motor controller and it worked. I was able take it, to go out for Coffee. I was looking to make it into a stand up 3 wheeler.
I did have a 300 mpg. flag on it, though.
It was parked on my property, and doesn't require plates, in fact there is no place to put plates.
There was no Notification. I was out of town, they even took my City approved recycling bucket along with outdoor grill accessories, and other outdoor furniture.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
It was outside on my property under my stairs. It is a 250 watt Motorscooter, and has no place for a plate. I had the Battery out, as I was using it trying to get a Salvation Army Electric Wheelchair working for for their Store use.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Ummm... I seriously, SERIOUSLY, doubt that they thought your grill accessories were part of your scooter. Obviously there's more to this story.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Indeed, exactly how many, clean up your place warnings from codes enforcement did you ignore? Here in NM they will warn you a few times, and then tow off your junk car if you don't cover it or get it running. Or if you rent, maybe the landlord called em?
Be the pack leader.
36 volt sla schwinn beach cruiser
36 volt lifepo4 mongoose mtb
24 volt sla + nicad EV Global
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Blame the Victim...
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
No blame intended. It's just that, if they took more than your scooter, there is obviously more to the story.
But best of luck.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
No, just wonering if there is any, rest of the story. I'd nail em in small claims court if I were you and there isn't any, rest of the story. When you post to the entire world, you may not like thier opinions. I hope you get satisfaction, they shouldn't clean up your property without notice. Are you a renter? If so, your landlord may be at the bottom of this. If you own, family members? Any feueds going with neighbors? Something is up for them to come and take your stuff. Maybe sombody messed with you by removing notices before you got home?
Be the pack leader.
36 volt sla schwinn beach cruiser
36 volt lifepo4 mongoose mtb
24 volt sla + nicad EV Global
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Yes, I am surprised by some of the comments...If in fact a NEV, or an Electric Motor scooter is Illegal to use on the streets, and has no designation for a plate, When is it Legal to Confiscate it, and from, on private property?
How many more rights do we have to lose?
Is anyone concerned about $4/gal gas, what about$10/gal?
What about exercising American Ingenuity?
Do we always have to Buy our Chinese Technology from Walmart?
Reuse is the most efficient form of recycling. Architectural salvage reduces landfill. Yeah, more to the story...
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Surprised by the comments?
As I said before, it's obvious there's more to the story. Why else did they take the lawn furniture and the grilling stuff? You weren't motorizing those, were you?
Sorry I spoke up in the first place... it's usually a mistake, I've found.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
"There was no Notification. I was out of town, they even took my City approved recycling bucket along with outdoor grill accessories, and other outdoor furniture."
Did they leave you a note? How do you know it was the city?
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Thank you for speaking up.
I think, I'll just go in another direction, a bike with peddles, and a motor of 750 watt or less.
Its obvious I can't fight city hall, and my Attorney is afraid to approach it also.
I think its a dead issue.
They stepped on me, and that's it!
In Iowa NEV'S Seem legal on roads of 35 mph or less, and with the ability to cross roads of faster speeds.
(Iowa Code, 321.381A)
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
I'm assuming (as a prototype) it was not registered with number plate/tag or had type approval? Normally these cannot be used on the public roads so its confiscation/destruction may well be related to this - especially if no insurance or registration could be verified. So I don't think the conspiracy theory is correct, it's giving them too much credit - it was probably a simpler 'no paperwork' removal.
Doesn't make it OK though!
- Raymond
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Correct, on all lines, I can't even prove I had it, without witnesses. It was a yardsale item, that I rebuilt.
If I only had a bike lock on it, I would still have it.
Today, I talked with my Attorney, and he had talked with the City Attorney, and my address was on a cleanup list.
I also saw one of the contractors that do the cleanup doing one of the neighbors. No sign on the truck, they looked like students..could have been my cleaners...
They did give me something about 6 mo ago, and I did remove the stuff, but I do have a valid construction permit.
So for them to take my, construction materials, outdoor furniture, Truck Cap, outdoor smoker, charcoaler holder, EV scooter, endless...
Its interesting that others who have responded feel that they have to hide the fact that they are riding EV's.
At least, I'm not the only Outlaw that is Dedicated to Renewable Energy. I just have to figure out how to survive.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
As I thought, you were warned to clean up and didn't and they took your "junk" Oh well. As far as I know, from 30 yrs in construction, grills and scooters are not construction materials. I really do sympathise, but clearly it was not an ev vendetta, just a junk ordinance in the city. Some places are very strict on that, others only enforce it when you piss em off.
Be the pack leader.
36 volt sla schwinn beach cruiser
36 volt lifepo4 mongoose mtb
24 volt sla + nicad EV Global
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Not true, the residual stuff that been an issue, had been removed, and an approved storage shed built. This was from a cleanup ticket 6 mo ago.
The dimensional lumber was covered by the valid construction permit, and I will have to buy more.
The Barbecue equipment was allowed by law, I will not replace it.
The Outdoor furniture was allowed by law, I will not replace it.
The City Does What it Wants to Do.
The EV Issue still remains, but I may simply bow to the Tidal Wave of Oppression. The Next 2 Wheeler will have peddles and be less than 750w.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Come on Sparky, don't let the establishment roll you. Based on what you have written, you may still have been in violation of the clean up that was done. Have you contacted whoever signed off on the debris violation ticket? Do you know where it was take? Was the stuff on city land? You can fight city hall if they (city) broke any laws or procedures. Did you call your insurance company? If you complied with what was requested you may be able to consider it a theft. Your comment about an attorney not wanting to take your case or file a complaint tells me you haven't fessed up all or omitted something. Did you date the police chiefs daughter? When is it ever warm enough to ride in Iowa anyway?
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Come on Sparky, don't let the establishment roll you. Based on what you have written, you may still have been in violation of the clean up that was done. Have you contacted whoever signed off on the debris violation ticket? Do you know where it was take? Was the stuff on city land? You can fight city hall if they (city) broke any laws or procedures. Did you call your insurance company? If you complied with what was requested you may be able to consider it a theft. Your comment about an attorney not wanting to take your case or file a complaint tells me you haven't fessed up all or omitted something. Did you date the police chiefs daughter? When is it ever warm enough to ride in Iowa anyway?
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
Again, there was no debris violation ticket.
My Stuff was on Private Property. I had a valid construction permit.
The laws or procedures..The Iowa constitution states that laws should be applied to individuals equally.
Is so, why are the weeds across the alley 8' tall, also 2 doors down, and also 3 doors down. Why has a college been trying to get the city to force a resident for 3 years to clean up the weeds, junk car parts tires etc?
You don't have to be a different color to be oppressed or suppressed. You people don't realize that by enforcing unconstitutional laws, You are taking your own rights away.
I wanted to buy a mid 2008 Volt for $25K, now I can't get one until 2010, and for $40?
My Hog had a Name, Piglet.
Piglet Emitted No Foul Oders, but What the City Did, and Will Do Stinks.
Re: EV Consficated by Municipality
I almost hate to say this, Sparky, but you're diverting the issue. It doesn't look like your EV scooter was taken because it's an EV scooter, it looks like it was taken because some very messed up and very wrong laws about what you can do with your private property were not up to some code your local government thought it should be in compliance with. They may have posted a note 6 mos. ago that you cleaned up, but it may have been a completely different person looking at the place since then and while all that stuff was gold to you, it may have looked like garbage to them, so they may have thought you didn't comply with the initial order. Bureaucrats are stupid that way. The laws are bad, but it doesn't look like an EV scooter conspiracy here. Suggesting that only distracts from the issue, and it's an important issue and one you should be fighting for.
So fight this instead not on the grounds that you are being persecuted for having an EV scooter, lots of folks are probably being persecuted in your locale and it doesn't have anything to do with their having electric vehicles. If your lawyer is unwilling to assist in your getting your property back, them maybe you need a new lawyer. What they did, IMHO, was wrong, but not for the initial reasons you stated. There may be other folks here who can help you out with this, but it will only help them to help you if they having the facts straight from the beginning.
Lenny Zimmermann
Metairie, LA