Appeal to X-Treme support, part 2

After a terse, unhelpful and very unsatisfactory reply from X-Treme, I followed-up today (Sept. 9, 2009) with another appeal:

These problems began well within the warranty period. For example, the blinker was always a problem, but I didn't realize that was leading to failure! All the problems should be covered by your warranty. As far as that goes, I do not think it is just to lay on the customer the cost of labor for fixing, or attempting to fix, problems caused by poor manufacturing.

You need to reach out and be helpful to me here. These are safety concerns I'm talking about. Notice I'm not asking for new side mirrors. The ones that some with the bike suck, but can be replaced easily enough. It's an annoying extra expense, but I'm willing to shoulder that. The problems here are fundamental to the operation of the vehicle, being electrical and mechanical.

A safety review by the MHD would easily lead to a ban on your vehicles in Ma., as my 3500li is the first to be registered in the state, and I'm sure your scorned customers in Ca. would pursue a similar course if told how to go about it. I want a safe vehicle. That is what is expected at purchase, and that is what you must deliver.

The legal arguments necessary just to get the bike registered and titled are enough to demonstrate my willing level of perseverance. I will apply this same effort in addressing the safety concerns. If your company continues to neglect me, I will pursue the matter with state agencies.

As for the batteries, they are charged once a week or more. It is only in the last month that the cycle has lost its top speed, while the charge meter on the control panel has not properly tracked the voltage from the outset.

Any one of these problems would be excusable and maybe not more than the average level of difficulty and aggravation of vehicle ownership and maintenance. In aggregate, and in the short period of operation--especially those problem present at shipping--they are horrendous. I hope/expect that X-Treme will work with me to make things right and not leave me with a "lemon."

I will appreciate a fuller, non-terse response to this communication. If that means referring the complaint to a manger or to another department, so much the better.

Very truly yours,

Greg Perham


Buzzer's picture

Your best bet might be to have the bike mechanics who worked on your bike come up with a specific list of parts that don't work and need to be replaced, and then you can offer X-Treme an out-of-court "settlement" where they provide the parts and shipping costs, and you have the parts put onto the bike at your own expense. If they agreed, that would be the equivalent of them honoring their original warranty.

I agree that you shouldn't have to shoulder the diagnostic and installation costs, but that's the way their warranty is written. As you probably know, warranties are written to protect the manufacturers and the retailers, NOT the consumers.


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