Bought this bike/scooter today off an old guy who says he has less than 10hrs on it, but the batteries won't hold a charge. Been trying to find info on the bike, specifically what kind of batteries I need to buy. So I was hoping someone here might be able to shed some light on things for me.
2004 Hawk Bike/Scooter (made in China like everything else)
Stickers on it say "Seven Star"
Dont see any numbers on the batteries.
Hopefully it was worth the $75 I paid for it.
Any info/help greatly appreciated
looks a bit like the X-Treme™ X-360.
Might be a starting point. How many batteries does it have?
two batteries.
I get frustrated and called the company that makes them in China....after allot of time and finally getting someone who speaks english, I found the batteries are:
6FM - 12 Sealed Lead Acid
12v 12Ah (20HR)
So I guess the new question is there a better battery then what I listed that will work?
I had a black version of that Hawk Scooter. Seven Star Sports is based in Hamilton, Ontario and sold those scooters through grocery stores for $299.00 new in 2004. That is where I bought mine. It has two 12V 12A SLA batteries for 24V 12A of power. The motor is a brushed 250watt motor if I remember correctly with a brush controller a tubed air filled tires and small shocks. It worked but the range was very low and speed was around 13kmh. I gave mine away after I bought my Condor E-Bike.
Ken Finch
thanks for the replies and the info.
I guess this wont make a good put around bike. Time to start watching the classifieds for something a little better.
it's not the Batterys I need but the brake for the 2004 hawk, anyone know of a Parts place for them in or near WINDSOR, ONTARIO. CANADA?
Thanks for any help guys/girls
The batteries are SLA12v12AH x2 at $59 each