Flickering brake light

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marsupi's picture
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Flickering brake light

Hi all,

I've been told by other drivers that my brake light flickers but I've not been able to see it for myself and can't reproduce it. I remember trying the regen once with the wheel off the ground but didn't seem to do it then.
I know this topic has been brought up before but I was unable to get a definite answer on how to fix it. From this previous posting it seems that there is an issue with the DC/DC converter being overloaded on the taillight circuit board, however is this flickering issue during braking the cause or is there something else at hand here? anyone else have some input or experience with this problem?

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Re: Flickering brake light

I've seen this problem in my brother's vectrix. I'm not sure if this is the same problem: Some water got inside the brake sensor placed in the brake lever, and the brake signal failed. Moving the brake lever for 5 minutes may clean the sensor from internal rust.

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Re: Flickering brake light

I had had the same thing on my V - it used to really annoy a colleague of mine who sometimes used to follow me in to work. I can imagine that it was very distracting, if not dangerous.

I looked into what had gone wrong - it was quite simple. You'll find that the brake light flickers at about the same frequency as the bumps or undulations in the road surface. This is because the left hand (rear) brake lever wobbles on its mounting bolt as you go over each bump and if the switch is near to the operating (or contact) point, then as the handle jiggles about, the switch makes and breaks momentarily over each bump.

The initial fix for me was to pinch up the rear brake lever mounting bolt (as it was a bit loose) but this did not last long. The proper fix would have been to replace the worn-out switch (it's the plunger that gets worn on the handle as it shakes) but in true engineer fashion, I decided to repair it myself.

I have extended the mating part of the handle so that the switch is depressed further when the handle is released, they by preventing the brake light from illuminating until I have moved the handle significantly further (ie apply brakes gently). Otherwise the brake light came on when I wasn't actually braking. See the pic below - you'll see that I drilled and tapped the handle M4 and inserted a grub (set) screw in one end. It's a flat point type. This was glued in the right position with threadlock. The fix has been good for 8000+ miles (I have 13500 miles on the bike).

Other things to consider are the effect on the activation of the 'GO' symbol - you now have to squeeze the handle moderately to enable the right-hand lever and hence the 'GO' symbol.

At least it's fixed! I suggest you look here first rather than tear your bike apart!

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Best wishes,
V brake handle.JPG


R's picture
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Re: Flickering brake light

Another possibility:
If the flickering light happens when you don't brake, the twist grip sensor is misaligned.
How to check: turn the Kill switch off, pull left brake lever, and the km/h nail should stop around 41-42.

marsupi's picture
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Re: Flickering brake light

Thanks for everyones input so far,
I don't think it comes from the brake levers though since I use mostly Regen, but I'll investigate this anyway. there could be an interaction especially during the transition at low speed when Regen is almost ineffective and I have to use the friction brakes.
I don't know if there is a hysteresis in the Regen brake light command.

07 Vectrix, Vego 600 mod.48V 800W, Arcade Alu E-Cycle 24VSachs Hub

R's picture
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Re: Flickering brake light

I don't think it comes from the brake levers though since I use mostly Regen

Check the calibration of the twist grip.
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Re: Flickering brake light

I have the same problem. In my case, the right brake lever does not return fully when I release it, so it maintains a slight pressure on the brake light switch. This causes the brake light to flicker as I am riding. The grub screww solution looks good (above). I also thought about glueing a small steel ball in the recess on the brake lever to take up the slack.

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Re: Flickering brake light


I think you missed the point. It's not when you're braking that it flickers, it's when you're NOT braking.

FWIW, a friend's Vectrix started doing it in March and mine (2008 model) has just started doing it this week - hence my ooking up the thread. As with the others, it is caused by a loose rear brake lever (i.e. left side). WHen you hit a bump, the brake lever wobbles and the light flickers.

Padding the space seems to be the best temporary solution. The proper answer is use a better switch. The one chosen (from Spain) also has a tendency to freeze in very cold weather, thus preventing one from doing the "Go" sequence.


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Re: Flickering brake light

Mark + Eric,

My inexpensive fix is still working - 20,000 miles now. I am certain Eric's bike's symptom was due to the same fault of brake lever wobble! Is there any follow-up Eric?
I've not had a switch freeze up yet - but thanks for the warning. I tend to ride in all weathers/temperatures so it's good advice!

Happy riding,



marsupi's picture
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Re: Flickering brake light

thanks for all your input.
I finally got to fixing this brake light problem.
It turn out the pin on the brake switch wore out some of the powder coating at the point of contact on the brake lever side, enough to make a small dimple that creates enough play to close the brake switch, thus the flickering light.
The easy fix was to superglue a thin piece of plastic (out of packaging or water bottle) on the lever to fill the gap and voila...as good as new

happy riding,

07 Vectrix, Vego 600 mod.48V 800W, Arcade Alu E-Cycle 24VSachs Hub

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Re: Flickering brake light

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Re: Flickering brake light

My brake light has started flickering now too after nearly 40.000KM
I have glued some plastic on the handle but I want to replace the brake switches. Does anybody have the part number for these?

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Re: Flickering brake light

David (from Emissions Free) offered me this tip on this subject:

The spring that pushes the lever back out (around the plunger) gets full of dirt & oil - especially on the left side.
Remove the rubber cover and clean it all out.

You may not need a new brake lever at all.

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Re: Flickering brake light

I did mess about with these switches for a while. Cleand them, adjusted them, but at the end, I had to replace them. I found some on Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-MOTORBIKE-ENDURO-FRONT-SWITCH-STOP-BRAKE-LIGHT-LAMP-MAGURA-TYPE-BREMBO-/190834203339?pt=UK_Motorcy...
Not exactly the same thing but very close and they do the job fine.

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Re: Flickering brake light

I did mess about with these switches for a while. Cleaned them, adjusted them, but at the end, I had to replace them. I found some on Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-MOTORBIKE-ENDURO-FRONT-SWITCH-STOP-BRAKE-LIGHT-LAMP-MAGURA-TYPE-BREMBO-/190834203339?pt=UK_Motorcy...
Not exactly the same thing but very close and they do the job fine.

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Re: Flickering brake light

I've noticed my Vectrix also has a flickering brake light. If I simulate riding on a typical road by wobbling the left brake lever, it flickers in the same manner as described above.

Can someone explain what I need to remove and clean? Also, what do I clean with? I have used electrical contact cleaner before when main beam flick switch for wasn't working properly. I just loosened off the screws on the surround and spray inside liberally.

This is an old photo from 2009:

Peter Faulkner
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Re: Flickering brake light

Had this problem recently,3 issues
Faulty brake micro switches, easily replaced with generic replacement for literally pennies.
Worn pivot hole in lever, sloppy lever does not return switch to off.
The cone springs behind the rubber sleeve into the brake master cylinders corrode and do not return the lever to "full off" properly!

I did 1 and 3 and it is now fine

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