Hi all,
My panterra scooter has a defective freewheel unit. See picture for the replacement part. How do I take off the old one? Is it threaded on the hub? It looks like it has 2 dimples 180 degrees apart on the face that act as a place to put in a removal tool to unscrew the unit. I fabricated a toollast night and turned the unit counterclockwise but it wouldn't budge. Any suggestions?
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Deafscooter is Here...
Yes i can do Remove the Flyeheel Sprocket off from Wheel by threaded on center
if it has 2-4 notch on it, using special tools to CCW turn to remove the threaded
if it has no notch on it then you need welding glued the ratches to lock then do
force CCW to unscerw ratches on sprocket to remove it ( it will throw the ratches )
Here two Sprocket have No Notch & 2 or 4 Notchs on BMX type freewheel sprocekt
Best use TIG Weld to Glue the locking the ratches sprocket to remove it & throw it :(
Craig Uyeda
If you don't have a welder, what I did was to first soak the threaded part with penetrating oil, Then apply some heat with a propane torch (not too much), then use that tool you made. Gritting your teeth and cursing will help! :D
Thanks. I will try the propane torch because I dont have access to a welder.
Deafscooter is Here...
Greg, you try that and it will heat to melt the alum wheel
and can you post picutre the rear wheel with sprocket on
if you do succsufully remove & please picutre on it & post
Thank you
You do need to pay attention to the heating of the freewheel, but I had no melting of the 2 wheels I worked on. It's true that if you just apply the heat in one spot and let it stay there long enough, you might melt something. Use care and patience and you shouldn't have any problems...but there is always that chance!
I finally got around to it. I purchased an adjustable spanner wrench from a bicycle shop and the pins fit the freewheel perfect. I purchased a $13 benzomatic torch at Wal-mart and heated the freewheel for 3+ minutes, and finally, I was able to turn the freewheel with the spanner wrench. I bought a new freewheel and I'm putting this one with anti-seize!
As others might have feared, I had no issues with the aluminum hub getting close to melting. You would really have to try hard to melt the aluminum.
Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry no photos, I dont have a digital camera...
I wish I would have thought of using a torch. I ended up drilling a hole into the bearing's racetrack and driving a long screw into it to jam it all up. There's definitely no free wheeling it now! :)
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<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
I know how to remove the hub without the notch
SIMPLE=> is Welding to Glue then remove the Sprocket off from wheel
then throw it to Trash then purchase replacement Sprocket with notch
Craig Uyeda